Different Views

You can switch between the multiple views of MS-PowerPoint while creating or presenting. Each type of view offers different capabilities and can be accessed through the View buttons located at the bottom left of the MS-PowerPoint window.

Normal View:    The Normal view at the same time displays the slide, outline and notes views in their own adjustable panes, so you can see everything at once.

Slide Sorter View: The Slide Sorter View displays the slides in the order of appearance in the presentation. Here you can reorder slides, add transitions and set the timing for electronic presentations.

Outline View: In the Outline View, one works only with slide titles and main text in the classic outline form. It provides great help in organizing the presentation and to quickly develop the content.

Notes Pages View: In the Notes Pages View, both notes and the slide can be seen together during a presentation.

Slide Show View: This view runs the presentation starting from the current slide in the slide view or the selected slide in the slide sorter view. Each slide fills the screen and advances according to the timings and the transition settings of the presentation.

Starting with a presentation
Slide Management

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