Technology requirements of an office are determined by the needs for running the business. It involves understanding the functional, physical and budgetary constraints. It involves
- Measure the available space. Determine the best size for computers, monitor, and other items.
- Calculate a budget for initial technology purchase and technology expenses for the next three years. Include estimated replacement and upgrade costs, remembering that most technology is outdated within three to five years.
- After considering the office’s physical constraints, determine its other physical needs. Should technology items be stationary or mobile or will the office need multiple computers, modems, or other items, and if so, will they share printers and other accessories.
- Determine the office’s functionality needs like needing a color printer or how high should imaging resolution of a scanner be or how much storage will files need or multiple operating systems are needed but keeping in mind that technology purchases should accommodate at least three years of hardware and software upgrades
- Review the warranties offered by the manufacturing companies.