As a Data Mining and Warehousing professional you will be responsible for analyzing data patterns and putting together all relevant data together. There are various skills that are required to become a professional data miner. Moreover, you will be dealing with a huge amount of data. Along with this, you will work on finding patterns and correlations within large data sets to identify relationships between data.
Data Mining and Warehousing: Roles and Responsibilities
After becoming a successful Data Mining and Warehousing expert you will be responsible for extracting and analyzing data. You will work with a database system that is designed for analytical analysis instead of transactional work. Moreover, as a data miner, you will be working in fields such as market analysis and management, fraud detection, corporate analysis, and risk management.
Vskills Certified Data Mining and Warehousing Professional
The Vskills Certified Data Mining and Warehousing Professionals aim on developing the knowledge and skills required. Also, it will improve your critical thinking ability. To add on, you will be able to work on a large amount of data and information. Moreover, you will act as a huge support system for management. Surely, extracting useful information and patterns from data sounded never more fun.
Benefits of the Certification
- Becoming a Data Mining and Warehousing Professional is not everyone’s cup of tea. However, With the Vskills certification, you can definitely grab one of those cups.
- After this certification, you can work with the top-notch firms of the industries. You can become a part of Google India, Microsft India, HCL, Tech Mahindra, Veritas, Citrix, Novartis and Bosch, etc.
Vskills being India’s largest certification provider gives candidates access to top exams as well as provides after exam benefits. This includes:
- The certifications will have a Government verification tag.
- The Certification is valid for life.
- Candidates will get lifelong e-learning access.
- Access to free Practice Tests.
Test Details
- Exam Duration: 60 minutes
- Number of questions: 50
- Maximum marks: 50
- Passing marks: 25 (50%).
- There is NO negative marking in this module
- It is an online examination

Course Outline
Value Proposition
Strategy and Planning
Dimensional Modeling in Data Warehousing
- Data design and dimensional modeling
- Star Schema star schema keys and advantages
- Snowflake schema aggregate fact tables and families of stars
Metadata for Data Warehousing
ETL Extraction Transformation and Loading
- ETL Need and factors
- Data Extraction Techniques
- Data Transformation types and dimensional attributes
- Data Loading types and modes
Data Quality
OLAP Online analytical processing
Data Mining
Decision Trees for Data Mining
Association Rules Mining
Neural Networks and Data Mining
Cluster Discovery
- Physical Design
- Physical Storage SAN RAID etc
- Indexing B Tree Clustered etc
- Data partitioning and clustering for performance
Post Implementation
- Security Policy user privileges and security tools
- Backup and Recovery
- Monitoring and managing data growth
Preparatory Guide for Vskills Certified Data Mining and Warehousing Professional
It is important to follow a proper exam guide and structure when comes to preparing for an examination. Therefore, for the Vskills Certified Data Mining and Warehousing Professional, In conclusion, we have curated a preparation guide to ease your preparation. Let’s get started:
Exam Objectives
Before preparing for any examination, it is important to know the exam related details and topics. This will help candidates to easily start preparing for the exam. Also, for the Vskills Certified Data Mining and Warehousing Professional, the exam topics to refer to are:
- Data Warehousing Models & Architecture
- Data Warehousing Operational Systems
- Clustering And Nearest-Neighbor Prediction
- Machine Learning
- Decision Tress
- Neural Networks
- Data Mining Algorithms
- On Line Analytical Processing (OLAP)
Refer: Vskills Certified Data Mining and Warehousing Professional Brochure
Vskills E-Learning
For the Vskills Certified Data Mining and Warehousing Professional examination, our team has provided online study material. Also, this online material for this is regularly updated. Furthermore, e-learning is bundled with hard copy material which helps candidates to improve and update the learning curve for superior and better opportunities.
Refer: Vskills Certified Data Mining and Warehousing Professional Sample Chapter
Reference Books
Books are man’s best friend. It is important to prepare the right books. To ease out your hunt for books we have provided a list of books which you can refer to:
- The Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Definitive Guide to Dimensional Modeling, 3rd Edition
- Agile Data Warehouse Design: Collaborative Dimensional Modeling, from Whiteboard to Star Schema
- Database Systems: Introduction to Databases and Data Warehouses
Evaluate yourself with Practice Test
After studying for the examination, it is important to practice sample papers. Practicing sample test will help you analyze your weak areas and strengths. Moreover, you will be able to improve your answering skills that will result in saving a lot of time. So, make sure to find the best practice sources.
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