Data Loading Types and Modes

Data Loading Types and Modes

In Data Mining and Warehousing, data loading refers to the process of extracting data from various sources, transforming it to fit the requirements of the target system, and loading it into the target system. There are different types and modes of data loading used in this process, including:

  1. Full Load: In this type of data loading, all the data is loaded from the source system to the target system in one go. It is typically used when setting up a new system or when there is a need to refresh the entire data in the target system.
  2. Incremental Load: In this type of data loading, only the data that has been added or updated since the last load is loaded into the target system. This method is used when the data changes frequently, and loading the entire data every time would be inefficient.
  3. Parallel Load: In this mode of data loading, multiple data streams are loaded into the target system simultaneously, which helps to improve the loading speed and reduce the time required for loading.
  4. Serial Load: In this mode of data loading, data is loaded into the target system one stream at a time. It is usually used when the target system cannot handle parallel loading, or when the source system does not support parallel extraction.
  5. Direct Load: In this mode of data loading, data is loaded directly from the source system to the target system without any intermediate storage or transformation. This method is used when the source and target systems are compatible and can communicate directly.

Overall, choosing the appropriate type and mode of data loading depends on the specific requirements of the data warehousing and mining process, including data volume, frequency of data changes, and target system capabilities.

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