CSS Glossary

Important definitions and terminologies used in CSS



Absolute Positioning in CSS

Align-content in CSS

Align-items in CSS

Align-self in CSS

All in CSS

Animation in CSS

Animation-delay in CSS

Animation-direction in CSS

Animation-duration in CSS

Animation-fill-mode in CSS

Animation-iteration-count in CSS

Animation-name in CSS

Animation-play-state in CSS

Animation-timing-function in CSS

Appearance in CSS

Attribute Selector in CSS

Attribute Selectors in CSS

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Backface-visibility in CSS

Background in CSS

Background Shorthand in CSS

Background-attachment in CSS

Background-clip in CSS

Background-color in CSS

Background-image in CSS

Background-origin in CSS

Background-position in CSS

Background-repeat in CSS

Background-size in CSS

Block Element in CSS

Border in CSS

Border-collapse in CSS

Border-radius in CSS

Bottom in CSS

Box Model in CSS

Box-shadow in CSS

Break-after in CSS

Break-before in CSS

Break-inside in CSS

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Calc() in CSS

Caption-side in CSS

Caret-color in CSS

Cascade in CSS

Cascading in CSS

Ch in CSS

Class in CSS

Class Selector in CSS

Clear in CSS

Clear Property in CSS

Clip in CSS

Clip-path in CSS

Color in CSS

Column-count in CSS

Column-fill in CSS

Column-gap in CSS

Column-rule in CSS

Column-rule-color in CSS

Column-rule-style in CSS

Column-rule-width in CSS

Columns in CSS

Column-span in CSS

Column-width in CSS

Combinators in CSS

Contain in CSS

Content in CSS

Counter-increment in CSS

Counter-reset in CSS

Counter-set in CSS

CSS Box Model in CSS

CSS Grid in CSS

CSS Variables in CSS

Cursor in CSS

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Descendant Selector in CSS

Direct Child Selectors in CSS

Direction in CSS

Display in CSS

Display Property in CSS

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Em in CSS

Empty-cells in CSS

Ex in CSS

External Style Sheet in CSS

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Filter in CSS

Fixed Positioning in CSS

Flex in CSS

Flex-basis in CSS

Flexbox in CSS

Flex-direction in CSS

Flex-flow in CSS

Flex-grow in CSS

Flex-shrink in CSS

Flex-wrap in CSS

Float in CSS

Float Property in CSS

Font in CSS

Font Size in CSS

Font-family in CSS

Font-feature-settings in CSS

Font-size in CSS

Font-size-adjust in CSS

Font-stretch in CSS

Font-style in CSS

Font-variant in CSS

Font-weight in CSS

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Gap in CSS

Grid Layout in CSS

Group Selector in CSS

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Height in CSS

Hover in CSS

Hyphens in CSS

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ID Selectors in CSS

Image-rendering in CSS

Inheritance in CSS

Inline-block in CSS

Inline-flex in CSS

Inline-grid in CSS

Inline-table in CSS

Inset in CSS

Inset-block in CSS

Inset-block-end in CSS

Inset-block-start in CSS

Inset-inline in CSS

Inset-inline-end in CSS

Inset-inline-start in CSS

Isolation in CSS

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Justify Content in CSS

Justify-content in CSS

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Keyframes in CSS

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Left in CSS

Letter-spacing in CSS

Line-break in CSS

Line-height in CSS

List Tags in CSS

List-style in CSS

List-Style Shorthand Property in CSS

List-style-image in CSS

List-Style-Image Property in CSS

List-style-position in CSS

List-Style-Position Property in CSS

List-style-type in CSS

List-Style-Type Property in CSS

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Margin in CSS

Margin-block in CSS

Margin-block-end in CSS

Margin-block-start in CSS

Margin-bottom in CSS

Margin-inline in CSS

Margin-inline-end in CSS

Margin-inline-start in CSS

Margin-left in CSS

Margin-right in CSS

Margin-top in CSS

Mask in CSS

Mask-border in CSS

Mask-border-mode in CSS

Mask-border-outset in CSS

Mask-border-repeat in CSS

Mask-border-slice in CSS

Mask-border-source in CSS

Mask-border-width in CSS

Mask-clip in CSS

Mask-composite in CSS

Mask-image in CSS

Mask-mode in CSS

Mask-origin in CSS

Mask-position in CSS

Mask-repeat in CSS

Mask-size in CSS

Max-height in CSS

Max-width in CSS

Media Queries in CSS

Min-height in CSS

Min-width in CSS

Mix-blend-mode in CSS

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Next Sibling Selector in CSS

nth-child Selector in CSS

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Object-fit in CSS

Object-position in CSS

Offset in CSS

Offset-anchor in CSS

Offset-distance in CSS

Offset-path in CSS

Offset-position in CSS

Offset-rotate in CSS

Opacity in CSS

Order in CSS

Orientation in CSS

Orphans in CSS

Outline in CSS

Outline-color in CSS

Outline-offset in CSS

Outline-style in CSS

Outline-width in CSS

Overflow in CSS

Overflow Property in CSS

Overflow-block in CSS

Overflow-inline in CSS

Overflow-wrap in CSS

Overflow-x in CSS

Overflow-y in CSS

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Padding in CSS

Padding-block in CSS

Padding-block-end in CSS

Padding-block-start in CSS

Padding-bottom in CSS

Padding-inline in CSS

Padding-inline-end in CSS

Padding-inline-start in CSS

Padding-left in CSS

Padding-right in CSS

Padding-top in CSS

Page-break-after in CSS

Page-break-before in CSS

Page-break-inside in CSS

Paint-order in CSS

Perspective in CSS

Perspective-origin in CSS

Pointer-events in CSS

Position in CSS

Property in CSS

Pseudo-classes in CSS

Pseudo-classes in CSS

Pseudo-elements in CSS

Pseudo-Elements in CSS

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Quirks Mode in CSS

Quotes in CSS

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Radial-gradient in CSS

Relative Positioning in CSS

Relative Units in CSS

Resize in CSS

Responsive Design in CSS

Right in CSS

Rotate() in CSS

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Scale() in CSS

Scroll-behavior in CSS

Scroll-snap-align in CSS

Scroll-snap-type in CSS

Selector in CSS

Selectors in CSS

Shape-outside in CSS

Sibling Combinator in CSS

Specificity in CSS

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Table Layout in CSS

Tab-size in CSS

Tag Selectors in CSS

Text Align in CSS

Text Decoration in CSS

Text- Indent in CSS

Text Shadow in CSS

Text-align in CSS

Text-combine-upright in CSS

Text-Decoration in CSS

Text-indent in CSS

Text-overflow in CSS

Text-rendering in CSS

Text-transform in CSS

The @media rule in CSS

Top in CSS

Transform in CSS

Transform-origin in CSS

Transition in CSS

Transition-delay in CSS

Transition-duration in CSS

Transition-property in CSS

Transition-timing-function in CSS

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Unicode-bidi in CSS

Units in CSS

Universal Selector in CSS

User-select in CSS

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Value in CSS

Var() in CSS

Vertical-align in CSS

Visibility in CSS

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White-space in CSS

Widows in CSS

Width in CSS

Will-change in CSS

Word-break in CSS

Word-spacing in CSS

Word-wrap in CSS

Writing-mode in CSS

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Z-index in CSS

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::after in CSS

::backdrop in CSS

::before in CSS

::disabled in CSS

::drop-down in CSS

::drop-down-list in CSS

::selection in CSS

:enabled in CSS

:global() in CSS

:not() in CSS

:nth-child in CSS

:nth-last-child in CSS

:nth-last-of-type in CSS

:nth-of-type in CSS

:scope in CSS

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@import in CSS

@media in CSS

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