Cross Functional Management

Cross-Functional Management 

Cross-functional management (CFM) is necessary for the successful implementation of Hoshin Kanri. Moreover, CFM requires an important change in the structure of management relationships, in order to allow continual checking of goals.

functional management

What is Catchball in Cross-Functional Management?

  • Catchball is a term cam from the children’s ball game, where instead of a ball, an idea or goal is tossed around from person to person.
  • Moreover, it is a vital element that requires continuous communication for ensuring the development of appropriate targets and means. And, to their deployment at all levels in the organization.
  • Moreover, this approach builds buy-in through participation in the goal-setting process and to ensure appropriate levels for goals and targets.

Objectives of CFM

  • The aspects of Hoshin planning rather than management by objectives, focus on measuring results through the process rather than targets.
  • Moreover, in management by objectives the objectives of the target setting and measurement incline on business tangibles such as profits and cost.
  • The organization tends to give rise to a culture of individual orientated management control and troubleshooting, rather than teamwork and continuous improvement.
  • Moreover, Hoshin planning focus on self-assessment with individual participation and flexibility. Above all, to apply the principles of Hoshin planning effectively, there are a number of prerequisites that an organization has in place.

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