Creating an Internal Library for Backblaze B2

To encapsulate the logic for interacting with Backblaze B2 and make your code more modular, you can create an internal library that provides functions for uploading, downloading, and managing files.

Creating the Library

Create a new Python module (e.g., within your project.

Define functions for interacting with Backblaze B2:


import backblaze_b2

def create_b2_client():
b2 = backblaze_b2.B2(application_key_id=”your_application_key_id”, application_key= “your_application_key”)
return b2

def upload_file(file: UploadFile, bucket_name: str):
filename = file.filename
with file.file as f:
file_info = b2.upload_file(bucket_name, filename, f)
return file_info

def download_file(file_name: str, bucket_name: str):
file_info = b2.get_file_info_by_name(bucket_name, file_name)
download_url = file_info.download_url
return download_url

Using the Library in Your FastAPI Application


from import create_b2_client, upload_file, download_file"/upload")
async def upload_file(file: UploadFile = File(...)):
    b2_client = create_b2_client()
    file_info = upload_file(file, bucket_name="your_bucket_name")
    return {"message": "File uploaded successfully", "file_url": file_info.file_url}

Additional Factors

  • Error Handling: Implement appropriate error handling to catch exceptions that might occur during file operations.
  • File Validation: Validate uploaded files to ensure they meet your requirements (e.g., file type, size).
  • Security: Protect your application key ID and application key to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Caching: Consider caching file information to improve performance.

By creating an internal library for Backblaze B2, you can encapsulate the logic for interacting with the storage service, making your code more modular and easier to maintain. You can also reuse this library in other parts of your application.

Developing the File Upload Endpoint
Configuring Backblaze B2 for File Uploads

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