Hadoop & Mapreduce Tutorial | Counters, Sorting and Joins

Counters, Sorting and Joins


Counters represent global counters, defined either by the MapReduce framework or applications. Each Counter can be of any Enum type. Counters of a particular Enum are bunched into groups of type Counters.Group

Applications can define arbitrary Counters (of type Enum) and update them via Reporter.incrCounter(Enum, long) or Reporter.incrCounter(String, String, long) in Hadoop 1 and Counters.incrCounter(Enum, long) or Counters.incrCounter(String, String, long) in Hadoop 2, in the map and/or reduce methods. These counters are then globally aggregated by the framework.


In a MapReduce program, the output key-value pairs from the Mapper are automatically sorted by keys. This feature can be utilized in a program that requires sorting at some stage. The minimum spanning tree program is an example that exploits the automatic sorting feature to sort the edges by weight. This example also illustrates the use of a common data structure across reducers. The downside of such a data structure is it prevents the MapReduce program from being completely parallel.

Sorting is one of the basic MapReduce algorithms to process and analyze data. MapReduce implements sorting algorithm to automatically sort the output key-value pairs from the mapper by their keys

  • Sorting methods are implemented in the mapper class itself.
  • In the Shuffle and Sort phase, after tokenizing the values in the mapper class, the Context class (user-defined class) collects the matching valued keys as a collection.
  • To collect similar key-value pairs (intermediate keys), the Mapper class takes the help of RawComparator class to sort the key-value pairs.
  • The set of intermediate key-value pairs for a given Reducer is automatically sorted by Hadoop to form key-values (K2, {V2, V2, …}) before they are presented to the Reducer.


When processing large data sets the need for joining data by a common key can be very useful, if not essential. By joining data you can further gain insight such as joining with timestamps to correlate events with a time a day. The need for joining data are many and varied. We will be covering 3 types of joins, Reduce-Side joins, Map-Side joins and the Memory-Backed Join over 3 separate posts. This installment we will consider working with Reduce-Side joins.

Reduce Side Joins – Of the join patterns we will discuss, reduce-side joins are the easiest to implement. What makes reduce-side joins straight forward is the fact that Hadoop sends identical keys to the same reducer, so by default the data is organized for us. To perform the join, we simply need to cache a key and compare it to incoming keys. As long as the keys match, we can join the values from the corresponding keys. The trade off with reduce-side joins is performance, since all of the data is shuffled across the network. Within reduce-side joins there are two different scenarios we will consider: one-to-one and one-to-many. We’ll also explore options where we don’t need to keep track of the incoming keys; all values for a given key will be grouped together in the reducer.

Map-side joins – As  the name implies, read the data streams into the mapper and uses logic within the mapper function to perform the join. The great advantage of a map-side join is that by performing all joining—and more critically data volume reduction—within the mapper,  the amount of data transferred to the reduce stage is greatly minimized. The drawback of map-side joins is that you either need to find a way of ensuring one of the data sources is very small or you need to define the job input to follow very specific criteria. Often, the only way to do that is to preprocess the data with another MapReduce job whose sole purpose is to make the data ready for a map-side join. A map-side join is far more efficient than a reduce-side join since there is no need to shuffle the datasets over the network. But is it realistic to expect that the stringent conditions required for map-side joins. Relational joins happen within the broader context of a workflow, which may include multiple steps. Therefore, the datasets that are to be joined may be the output of previous processes (either MapReduce jobs or other code). If the workflow is known in advance and relatively static (both reasonable assumptions in a mature workflow), we can engineer the previous processes to generate output sorted and partitioned in a way that makes efficient map-side joins possible (in MapReduce, by using a custom partitioner and controlling the sort order of key-value pairs). For ad hoc data analysis, reduce-side joins are a more general, albeit less efficient, solution.

One-To-One Joins – A one-to-one join is the case where a value from dataset ‘X’ shares a common key with a value from dataset ‘Y’. Since Hadoop guarantees that equal keys are sent to the same reducer, mapping over the two datasets will take care of the join for us. Since sorting only occurs for keys, the order of the values is unknown. We can easily fix the situation by using secondary sorting. Our implementation of secondary sorting will be to tag keys with either a “1” or a “2” to determine order of the values. We need to take a couple extra steps to implement our tagging strategy.

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