Backblaze B2 is a cloud storage solution that provides scalable and affordable storage for files. Integrating Backblaze B2 with your FastAPI application allows you to handle file uploads efficiently and securely.
Installing Required Libraries
Install the backblaze-b2
pip install backblaze-b2
Configuring Backblaze B2
- Create a Backblaze B2 account and obtain your application key ID and application key.
- Create a bucket to store your files.
Creating a B2 Client
import backblaze_b2
b2 = backblaze_b2.B2(application_key_id="your_application_key_id", application_key= "your_application_key")
Uploading Files
from fastapi import UploadFile, File"/upload")
async def upload_file(file: UploadFile = File(...)):
bucket_name = "your_bucket_name"
filename = file.filename
with file.file as f:
file_info = b2.upload_file(bucket_name, filename, f)
return {"message": "File uploaded successfully", "file_url": file_info.file_url}
Retrieving Files
async def download_file(file_name: str):
bucket_name = "your_bucket_name"
file_info = b2.get_file_info_by_name(bucket_name, file_name)
download_url = file_info.download_url
return {"file_url": download_url}
By integrating Backblaze B2 with your FastAPI application, you can provide a scalable and efficient file storage solution for your users.