Systems are organized way of making things happen. They assist in planning, prediction and bringing professionalism, discipline and security. Every system has its own objectives, elements and process. The purpose of HR system is to build competencies and commitment of entire organization. The HR audit helps in assessing the orientation, process and mechanisms, degree of participation, cost-effectiveness and efficiency of overall HR systems and subsystems. HR audit focuses on all systems that exist in the organization and assesses them for their clarity of objectives, structure (scientific base and comprehensiveness), its understanding by users, implementation and relevance in achieving organizational goals.
The comprehensive list of HR systems includes
- Competency Mapping
- Manpower Planning
- Recruitment
- Induction and Integration
- Performance Management
- Potential Appraisal and Assessment Centers
- Career Planning and Development
- Job Rotation
- Training and Learning
- Organization Development
This system aims at measuring and developing the competency level in employees across the organization. Competencies include: knowledge and skill of the employees to perform different organizational tasks at all the levels in the organization. The different dimensions for auditing competency are:
The system, process and practice
- Standardized practices.
- Documented and clearly stated.
- Availability of competence directory.
- Availability of competency profiles with managers.
In-house competencies are available and people are trained in competency mapping
- Awareness about process.
- Line managers contribute to the process.
- HR staff is internally trained for competency mapping.
- Accessibility of details.
Comprehensiveness of the competency mapping process
- Availability of competency model.
- Coverage of technical, managerial, behavioral and conceptual aspects of the job.
- Description of levels of competencies.
- Review of profile periodically.
Use of competency mapping process for HR interventions
- Use of competency mapping for recruitment, induction, promotion, assessment centers, performance management, rewards and recognition, compensation management and organizational development.
- Training based on competency mapping.
Periodic review and updating of mapped competencies
- Change of competency profile when new jobs are created.
- Review at least once in three year.
- Dynamic review and updating system.
- Availability of competency profile along with tasks on the web.
Auditing Methods and Techniques for competency mapping
Interviews: Interviews of line mangers, HODs and HR staff to find out awareness, usage and knowledge about the system.
Observation: Observation of competency mapping process, knowledge of line managers and HR managers on competency mapping, competency directory, interview records, selection process.
Examination of Records
- Copies of competency profiles.
- Circulars and documents stating objectives.
- Competency directory.
- Interview records.
- Training details.
- Promotion circulars.