Compensation and Benefits Glossary

Important definitions and terminologies used in Compensation and Benefits



Accrued Benefits in Compensation and Benefits

Achievement-Based Compensation in Compensation and Benefits

Active Employee in Compensation and Benefits

Actual Deferral Percentage in Compensation and Benefits

Actuary in Compensation and Benefits

Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) in Compensation and Benefits

Adverse Impact in Compensation and Benefits

Affirmative Action in Compensation and Benefits

After-Tax Contributions in Compensation and Benefits

Ageism in Compensation and Benefits

Agile Organization in Compensation and Benefits

Ally in Compensation and Benefits

Alternative Work Arrangements in Compensation and Benefits

Annual Compensation in Compensation and Benefits

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Compensation and Benefits

Attrition in Compensation and Benefits

Availability Analysis in Compensation and Benefits

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Back Pay in Compensation and Benefits

Base Pay in Compensation and Benefits

Behavioral-Based Interviewing in Compensation and Benefits

Benchmarking in Compensation and Benefits

Benefit Package in Compensation and Benefits

Benefits Administrator in Compensation and Benefits

Blind Ad in Compensation and Benefits

Bonus in Compensation and Benefits

Broadbanding in Compensation and Benefits

Buddy System in Compensation and Benefits

Bumping Rights in Compensation and Benefits

Business Continuity Planning in Compensation and Benefits

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Cafeteria Plan in Compensation and Benefits

Capacity Building in Compensation and Benefits

Career Development in Compensation and Benefits

Career Growth Opportunities in Compensation and Benefits

Career Ladders in Compensation and Benefits

Career Planning in Compensation and Benefits

Career Plateau in Compensation and Benefits

Carrier in Compensation and Benefits

Cash Balance Plan in Compensation and Benefits

Cash Compensation in Compensation and Benefits

Cash Value in Compensation and Benefits

Casual Workers in Compensation and Benefits

Childcare Benefits in Compensation and Benefits

Claimant in Compensation and Benefits

Classification System in Compensation and Benefits

COBRA in Compensation and Benefits

Co-employment in Compensation and Benefits

Compa-Ratio in Compensation and Benefits

Compensation and Income Tax Act 1961 in Compensation and Benefits

Compensation benchmarking in Compensation and Benefits

Compensation decisions in Compensation and Benefits

compensation formulation in Compensation and Benefits

compensation management in Compensation and Benefits

Compensatory Time Off (Comp Time) in Compensation and Benefits

Competency-based pay in Compensation and Benefits

Compressed Workweek in Compensation and Benefits

Constructive Discharge in Compensation and Benefits

Contingent Worker in Compensation and Benefits

Cost-Per-Hire in Compensation and Benefits

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Daily Compensation in Compensation and Benefits

De Minimis Rule in Compensation and Benefits

Death Benefit in Compensation and Benefits

Deductible in Compensation and Benefits

Deferred compensation plan in Compensation and Benefits

Defined Benefit Plan in Compensation and Benefits

Defined Contribution Plan in Compensation and Benefits

Dependent Care Assistance in Compensation and Benefits

Direct Threat in Compensation and Benefits

Disability Benefits in Compensation and Benefits

Discretionary Bonus in Compensation and Benefits

Discrimination in Compensation and Benefits

Dislocated Worker in Compensation and Benefits

Disparate Impact in Compensation and Benefits

Disparate Treatment in Compensation and Benefits

Dual Career Ladder/Track in Compensation and Benefits

Due Diligence in Compensation and Benefits

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Early Retirement in Compensation and Benefits

Earned Income in Compensation and Benefits

Economic Theories in Compensation and Benefits

Economic Value Added (EVA) in Compensation and Benefits

Educational Assistance in Compensation and Benefits

EEO-1 Survey in Compensation and Benefits

Eligibility in Compensation and Benefits

Emotional Intelligence in Compensation and Benefits

Employee Assistance Programs in Compensation and Benefits

Employee benefits in Compensation and Benefits

Employee compensation valuation in Compensation and Benefits

Employee Engagement in Compensation and Benefits

Employee evaluation system in Compensation and Benefits

Employee morale in Compensation and Benefits

Employee Motivation in Compensation and Benefits

Employee Performance in Compensation and Benefits

Employee Referral Program in Compensation and Benefits

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) in Compensation and Benefits

Employee Retention in Compensation and Benefits

Employee Self-Service Portal in Compensation and Benefits

Employee Turnover in Compensation and Benefits

Employee Value Proposition (EVP) in Compensation and Benefits

Employees Provident Fund in Compensation and Benefits

Employer Brand in Compensation and Benefits

Employment at Will in Compensation and Benefits

Environmental Scan in Compensation and Benefits

EPFO Claim in Compensation and Benefits

Equity in Compensation and Benefits

ESI in Compensation and Benefits

ESI Contribution in Compensation and Benefits

ESOPs in Compensation and Benefits

Essential Job Functions in Compensation and Benefits

Executive Compensation in Compensation and Benefits

Exempt Position in Compensation and Benefits

Exit Interview in Compensation and Benefits

Expatriate in Compensation and Benefits

Extrinsic Reward in Compensation and Benefits

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Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) in Compensation and Benefits

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in Compensation and Benefits

Featherbedding in Compensation and Benefits

Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) in Compensation and Benefits

Flexibility in Compensation and Benefits

Flexible-Benefits Plan in Compensation and Benefits

Flextime in Compensation and Benefits

Forced Distribution in Compensation and Benefits

Forced Ranking in Compensation and Benefits

Forecasting in Compensation and Benefits

Fringe Benefits in Compensation and Benefits

Front Pay in Compensation and Benefits

Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) in Compensation and Benefits

Fully Funded Plan in Compensation and Benefits

Fully Insured Plan in Compensation and Benefits

Functional-Based Compensation in Compensation and Benefits

Furlough in Compensation and Benefits

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Gainsharing in Compensation and Benefits

Gain-sharing plan in Compensation and Benefits

Garnishment in Compensation and Benefits

Gender Expression in Compensation and Benefits

Gender Identity in Compensation and Benefits

Gender Pay Gap in Compensation and Benefits

Gender Wage Gap in Compensation and Benefits

Genetic-Based Discrimination in Compensation and Benefits

Gig Worker in Compensation and Benefits

Glass Ceiling in Compensation and Benefits

Golden Handshake in Compensation and Benefits

Golden Parachute in Compensation and Benefits

Gross Pay in Compensation and Benefits

Group incentive payments in Compensation and Benefits

Group incentive plans in Compensation and Benefits

Group Insurance in Compensation and Benefits

Guaranteed Income in Compensation and Benefits

Guaranteed Minimum Pension in Compensation and Benefits

Gym Memberships in Compensation and Benefits

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Halo/Horn Effect in Compensation and Benefits

Harassment in Compensation and Benefits

Health Benefits in Compensation and Benefits

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in Compensation and Benefits

Healthcare Flexible Spending Account (FSA) in Compensation and Benefits

Hiring Bonus in Compensation and Benefits

Holidays in Compensation and Benefits

Horizontal Organization in Compensation and Benefits

Hostile Work Environment in Compensation and Benefits

Hourly Rate in Compensation and Benefits

Human Capital in Compensation and Benefits

Human Resource Information System (HRIS) in Compensation and Benefits

Human Resource Management (HRM) in Compensation and Benefits

Human Resource Management System (HRMS) in Compensation and Benefits

Human Resources Information System (HRIS) in Compensation and Benefits

Hybrid Organization in Compensation and Benefits

Hybrid Plan in Compensation and Benefits

Hypothetical Retirement Benefits in Compensation and Benefits

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Implicit Bias in Compensation and Benefits

Imputed Income in Compensation and Benefits

Incentive Compensation in Compensation and Benefits

Incentive determination in Compensation and Benefits

Inclusion in Compensation and Benefits

Independent Contractor in Compensation and Benefits

Indirect Compensation in Compensation and Benefits

Industrial Psychology in Compensation and Benefits

Inflation in Compensation and Benefits

Inpatriate in Compensation and Benefits

In-Service Withdrawal in Compensation and Benefits

Insurance in Compensation and Benefits

Intangible Compensation in Compensation and Benefits

Intellectual Property in Compensation and Benefits

Interest Rate in Compensation and Benefits

International Compensation Management in Compensation and Benefits

Internship Programs in Compensation and Benefits

Involuntary Termination in Compensation and Benefits

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Job Analysis in Compensation and Benefits

Job Assessment in Compensation and Benefits

Job Classification in Compensation and Benefits

Job Description in Compensation and Benefits

Job design in Compensation and Benefits

Job Enrichment in Compensation and Benefits

Job Evaluation in Compensation and Benefits

Job Market in Compensation and Benefits

Job Performance in Compensation and Benefits

Job Ranking in Compensation and Benefits

Job Reference Immunity Statutes in Compensation and Benefits

Job Rotation in Compensation and Benefits

Job Sharing in Compensation and Benefits

Job Training in Compensation and Benefits

Job Vacancy in Compensation and Benefits

Joint and Survivor Annuity in Compensation and Benefits

Just-Cause Termination in Compensation and Benefits

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Key Employee in Compensation and Benefits

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in Compensation and Benefits

Kickers in Compensation and Benefits

Know-How in Compensation and Benefits

Knowledge-Based Pay in Compensation and Benefits

Kudos in Compensation and Benefits

Kwik-Stop Rule in Compensation and Benefits

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Labor Laws in Compensation and Benefits

Labor Market in Compensation and Benefits

Labour Market in Compensation and Benefits

Layoff in Compensation and Benefits

Leave of Absence in Compensation and Benefits

Legal Compliance in Compensation and Benefits

Legal Obligation in Compensation and Benefits

Life Insurance in Compensation and Benefits

Living Wage in Compensation and Benefits

Long Service Awards in Compensation and Benefits

Long-Term Disability in Compensation and Benefits

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Management Bonus in Compensation and Benefits

Market Premium in Compensation and Benefits

Market Salary in Compensation and Benefits

Matching Contributions in Compensation and Benefits

Maternity Leave in Compensation and Benefits

Maximum Contribution in Compensation and Benefits

Medical Reimbursement Plan in Compensation and Benefits

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Non-monetary benefits in Compensation and Benefits

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Organizational strategies in Compensation and Benefits

Overtime wages in Compensation and Benefits

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Payroll management in Compensation and Benefits

Performance modeling techniques in Compensation and Benefits

Performance standards in Compensation and Benefits

Performance-based compensation in Compensation and Benefits

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Quantitative analysis in Compensation and Benefits

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Repatriation issues in Compensation and Benefits

Retirement plans in Compensation and Benefits

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Sales Compensation in Compensation and Benefits

Sales incentives in Compensation and Benefits

Sales motivation in Compensation and Benefits

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Team-based compensation in Compensation and Benefits

Trade Union in Compensation and Benefits

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UAN in Compensation and Benefits

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Variable Compensation plans in Compensation and Benefits

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wage in Compensation and Benefits

wage determination in Compensation and Benefits

Wage fixation in Compensation and Benefits

wage policies in Compensation and Benefits

Work Measurement in Compensation and Benefits

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