Certified Cloudstack Professional

1. Concepts

1.1 CloudStack Basics
1.2 CloudStack Utility
1.3 Deployment Architecture

2. Cloud Infrastructure Basics

2.1 Regions
2.2 Zones
2.3 Pods
2.4 Clusters
2.5 Hosts
2.6 Primary Storage
2.7 Secondary Storage
2.8 Physical Networks

3. Installation

3.1 Overview of Installation Steps
3.2 Minimum System Requirements
3.3 Configure package repository
3.4 Management Server Installation

4. User Interface

4.1 Using the UI
4.2 Using SSH Keys

5. Provisioning Cloud Infrastructure

5.1 Provisioning Steps
5.2 Adding Elements like Zone, Pod, Cluster, etc.
5.3 Initialize and Test

6. Configuration Parameters

6.1 About Configuration Parameters
6.2 Setting Global Configuration Parameters
6.3 Setting Local Configuration Parameters
6.4 Granular Global Configuration Parameters

7. Deployment Architecture

7.1 Small-Scale Deployment
7.2 Large-Scale Redundant Setup
7.3 Separate Storage Network
7.4 Multi-Node Management Server
7.5 Multi-Site Deployment

8. Accounts

8.1 Accounts, Users, and Domains
8.2 Using an LDAP Server for User Authentication

9. Using Projects

9.1 Overview of Projects
9.2 Configuring Projects
9.3 Creating a New Project
9.4 Adding Members to a Project
9.5 Accepting a Membership Invitation
9.6 Suspending or Deleting a Project
9.7 Using the Project View

10. Service Offerings

10.1 Compute and Disk Service Offerings
10.2 System Service Offerings
10.3 Network Throttling
10.4 Changing the Default System Offering for System VMs

11. Setting Networking

11.1 Overview of Setting Up Networking for Users
11.2 About Virtual Networks
11.3 Network Service Providers
11.4 Network Offerings

12. Virtual Machines

12.1 About Working with Virtual Machines
12.2 Best Practices for Virtual Machines
12.3 VM Lifecycle
12.4 Creating VMs
12.5 Accessing VMs
12.6 Stopping and Starting VMs
12.7 Assigning VMs to Hosts
12.8 Virtual Machine Snapshots for VMware
12.9 Changing the VM Name, OS, or Group
12.10 Appending a Display Name to the Guest VM’s Internal Name
12.11 Changing the Service Offering for a VM
12.12 Resetting the Virtual Machine Root Volume on Reboot
12.13 Moving VMs between Hosts (Manual Live Migration)
12.14 Deleting VMs
12.15 Working with ISOs

13. Hosts

13.1 Adding Hosts
13.2 Scheduled Maintenance and Maintenance Mode for Hosts
13.3 Disabling and Enabling Zones, Pods, and Clusters
13.4 Removing Hosts
13.5 Re-Installing Hosts
13.6 Maintaining Hypervisors on Hosts
13.7 Changing Host Password
13.8 Over-Provisioning and Service Offering Limits
13.9 VLAN Provisioning

14. Templates

14.1 Creating Templates: Overview
14.2 Requirements for Templates
14.3 Best Practices for Templates
14.4 The Default Template
14.5 Private and Public Templates
14.6 Creating a Template from an Existing Virtual Machine
14.7 Creating a Template from a Snapshot
14.8 Uploading Templates
14.9 Exporting Templates
14.10 Creating a Windows Template
14.11 Importing Amazon Machine Images
14.12 Converting a Hyper-V VM to a Template
14.13 Adding Password Management to Your Templates
14.14 Deleting Templates

15. Storage

15.1 Storage Overview
15.2 Primary Storage
15.3 Secondary Storage
15.4 Working with Volumes
15.5 Working with Snapshots

16. Usage

16.1 Configuring the Usage Server
16.2 Setting Usage Limits
16.3 Globally Configured Limits
16.4 Limiting Resource Usage

17. Managing Networks and Traffic

17.1 Guest Traffic
17.2 Networking in a Pod
17.3 Networking in a Zone
17.4 Basic Zone Physical Network Configuration
17.5 Advanced Zone Physical Network Configuration
17.6 Using Multiple Guest Networks
17.7 IP Reservation in Isolated Guest Networks
17.8 Reserving Public IP Addresses and VLANs for Accounts
17.9 Configuring Multiple IP Addresses on a Single NIC
17.10 About Multiple IP Ranges
17.11 About Elastic IP
17.12 Portable IPs
17.13 Multiple Subnets in Shared Network
17.14 Isolation in Advanced Zone Using Private VLAN
17.15 Security Groups
17.16 External Firewalls and Load Balancers
17.17 Global Server Load Balancing Support
17.18 Guest IP Ranges
17.19 Acquiring a New IP Address
17.20 Releasing an IP Address
17.21 Static NAT
17.22 IP Forwarding and Firewalling
17.23 IP Load Balancing
17.24 DNS and DHCP
17.25 Remote Access VPN
17.26 About Inter-VLAN Routing (nTier Apps)
17.27 Configuring a Virtual Private Cloud
17.28 Persistent Networks

18. System Virtual Machines

18.1 The System VM Template
18.2 Accessing System VMs
18.3 Multiple System VM Support for VMware
18.4 Console Proxy
18.5 Virtual Router
18.6 Secondary Storage VM

19. System Reliability and High Availability

19.1 HA for Management Server
19.2 Management Server Load Balancing
19.3 HA-Enabled Virtual Machines
19.4 HA for Hosts
19.5 Primary Storage Outage and Data Loss
19.6 Secondary Storage Outage and Data Loss
19.7 Limiting the Rate of API Requests

20. Managing the Cloud

20.1 Using Tags to Organize Resources in the Cloud
20.2 Changing the Database Configuration
20.3 Changing the Database Password
20.4 Administrator Alerts
20.5 Customizing the Network Domain Name
20.6 Stopping and Restarting the Management Server

21. Setting Configuration Parameters

21.1 About Configuration Parameters
21.2 Setting Global Configuration Parameters
21.3 Setting Local Configuration Parameters
21.4 Granular Global Configuration Parameters

22. CloudStack API

22.1 Provisioning and Authentication API
22.2 Allocators
22.3 User Data and Meta Data

23. Tuning

23.1 Performance Monitoring
23.2 Increase Management Server Maximum Memory
23.3 Set Database Buffer Pool Size
23.4 Set and Monitor Total VM Limits per Host
23.5 Configure XenServer dom0 Memory

24. Troubleshooting

24.1 Events
24.2 Working with Server Logs
24.3 Data Loss on Exported Primary Storage
24.4 Recovering a Lost Virtual Router
24.5 Maintenance mode not working on vCenter
24.6 Unable to deploy VMs from uploaded vSphere template
24.7 Unable to power on virtual machine on VMware
24.8 Load balancer rules fail after changing network offering

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