Certified Online Journalist

1. Journalism
1.1 Journalism Introduction
1.2 History of Journalism
1.3 Types of Journalism
1.4 Journalism Ethics and Standards
1.5 Legal status

2. Online Journalism
2.1 Online Journalism Introduction
2.2 History
2.3 Impact on Readers
2.4 Impact on Publishers
2.5 Characteristics of online journalism
2.6 Work outside traditional press
2.7 Blogs
2.8 Citizen Journalism
2.9 Legal Issues

3. Communication Skills
3.1 Basics of Communication
3.2 Communication types
3.3 Communication Barriers
3.4 Verbal Communication
3.5 Non-Verbal Communication
3.6 Communication Skills Development

4. Written Communication Skills
4.1 Definition
4.2 Need for written communication
4.3 Elements of Good Writing
4.4 Contents of Written Communication
4.5 Audience and Format
4.6 Composition and Style
4.7 Structure
4.8 Grammatical Errors
4.9 Proofing
4.10 The six ā€˜Cā€™s of effective writing
4.11 Structuring the writing task
4.12 Rules for News Writing and Reporting

5. Computers Basics
5.1 Introduction – What is Computer?
5.2 Characteristics of computer
5.3 Commonly Used Computer Terms
5.4 Units of a computer system
5.5 Representation of information
5.6 Basic Operations of a Computer ā€“ Input, Process and Output
5.7 Input Devices
5.8 Output Devices
5.9 Storage Devices
5.10 Types of Software
5.11 Disk Organization Terms
5.12 Operating System
5.13 User Interface
5.14 Word Processing

6. Internet
6.1 Networking Concepts
6.2 Internet Terms (Hypertext, URL, Domain Name)
6.3 Web Browser and ISP
6.4 Upload and download files
6.5 Control of Internet
6.6 Email
6.7 RSS readers and feeds
6.8 Instant Messaging
6.9 File Transfer Protocol
6.10 Search Engine Optimization
6.11 Digital Audio
6.12 Digital Image
6.13 Digital Video
6.14 Podcasting

7. Online Reporting Process
7.1 The Report writing process
7.2 Prewriting
7.3 Basics of Reporting
7.4 Writing
7.5 Revising
7.6 Editing
7.7 Story Editing
7.8 Publishing
7.9 The Online Process
7.10 Tips for Writing

8. Blogs and Blogging
8.1 Blog Basics
8.2 History of Blogging
8.3 Types
8.4 Popularity
8.5 Blog and mass media
8.6 Blogs Advantages
8.7 Disadvantages of Blogs
8.8 Blogging Requirements
8.9 Blog Components
8.10 Important Terminologies

9. Online Storytelling
9.1 Storytelling Concepts
9.2 Workflow of Online Storytelling

10. Social Media Reporting
10.1 Social Media Basics
10.2 Facebook
10.3 Other Social Networks
10.4 Social Networks as a Source of News
10.5 Driving Traffic
10.6 Best Practices

11. Journalism Ethics
11.1 Basic Concepts
11.2 Common Elements
11.3 Self-Regulation
11.4 Ethics and Standards in Practice

12. Media Laws
12.1 Privacy
12.2 Obscenity and Bad Taste
12.3 The India Copyright Act 1957
12.4 The Trademark Act 1999
12.5 Prasar Bharati Act – 1990
12.6 Official Secrets Act – 1923
12.7 Information Technology Act ā€“ 2000

13. Other Online Journalism
13.1 Open Source Journalism
13.2 Civic Journalism
13.3 Citizen Journalism
13.4 Collaborative Writing
13.5 Indy Media
13.6 Embedded Journalism

14. Online Newspaper

15. Streaming Media
15.1 Basic Streaming Concepts
15.2 Evolution
15.3 Broadcasting Techniques

16. Electronic Publishing
16.1 Basic Concepts
16.2 Electronic Publishing Process

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