R Programming refers to a statistical programming language that is used for building probabilistic models, performing data science, and building machine learning algorithms. Professionals having advanced knowledge of R can become R Programmers. R Programmers have a task that involves data analyses and data visualizations using the R package as well as assisting in designing and developing technical architecture. These programmers also coordinate with end-users for designing and implementing analytics solutions as per the project. And, they also create scripts for having proper data access and report functions with R programming languages. Further, in their daily task they also formulate procedures for integrating R programming plans with data sources and delivery systems. And, also provide technical assistance for the development and execution of test plans.
So, let’s get started with the in-depth details and resources to become a Certificate in R Programming.
Vskills Certificate in R Programming: Overview
Vskills Certification in R Programming will cover the concepts of R programming and will demonstrate industry best practices. This course will help candidates to get advanced in R with focusing on machine learning concepts in-depth and applying them in the real world with R. With this candidate will be able to understand about the pre-model-building activities that include univariate and bivariate analysis, outlier detection, and missing value treatment featuring the mice package. After that, they will also learn about linear, non-linear regression modeling and classification models, and math behind the working of classification algorithms.
Certification Benefits
Vskills Certification in R Programming will provide benefits to data science professionals, data analysts, and students who want to get advanced in R programming. Moreover, by the end of the course, candidates will build a solid knowledge of machine learning as well as the R language.

Vskills certification providers give candidates access to top exams as well as provides exam benefits. This includes:
- The certifications will have a Government verification tag.
- The Certification is valid for life.
- Candidates will get lifelong e-learning access.
- Access to free Practice Tests.
- Candidates will get tagged as ‘Vskills Certified’ On Monsterindia.com and ‘Vskills Certified’ On Shine Shine.com.

Course Outline
Certificate in R Programming covers the following topics –
R Language Basics
- Overview of R Programming Language
- Installing R
- R Interactive Command Line
- R Scripts
- Hello World
- R Data types
- Comments
- Constants and Variables
- Operators
- R Conditional Statements
- R Functions
- R Arrays
- R Strings
- R Lists
- Vectors in R
- R Matrices
- Factors in R
- Data Frames in R
- R Package and Repositories
Introduction to Statistics
- Terminologies
- Inferential Statistics
- Descriptive Statistics
- Frequency Distribution
- Cumulative Frequency Distribution
- Central Limit Theorem
- Valid Statistical Conclusions
- Graphical Methods
- Univariate Analysis
- Bivariate Analysis
- Regression
Introduction to Probability
- Concepts
- Permutation and Combination
- Probabilistic Distributions
- Continuous Variables PDFs
- Discrete Variables PDFs
Regression Modelling
- Regression Modeling Basics
- Correlation and Regression Coefficient
- Linear Regression
- Interpreting Regression Results
- Interaction Effects
- Residual Analysis
- Cook’s Distance
- Hypothesis Testing
- k-Fold Cross Validation
- GAM – Generalized Additive Models
Classification Models
- Naive Bayes Classifier
- k-Nearest Neighbors Classifier
- RPart, cTree, and C5.0
- caret Package
- Variable selection with RFE, varImp, and Boruta
Machine Learning
- Random Forest Classifier
- Gradient Boosting and GBM
- Regularization – Ridge, Lasso, and Elasticnet
- XGBoost
Unsupervised Learning
- Clustering
- k-means Clustering
- Principal Components Analysis
- Determining Optimum Number of Clusters
- Hierarchical Clustering
- Affinity Propagation
- Building Recommendation Engines
Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
- Stationarity, De-Trend, and De-Seasonalize
- Lags, ACF, PACF, and CCF
- Moving Average and Exponential Smoothing
- Double Exponential and Holt Winters
- ARIMA Modelling
Text Analytics
- Corpus, TDM, TF-IDF, and Word Cloud
- Cosine Similarity and Latent Semantic Analysis
- Extracting Topics with Latent Dirichlet Allocation
- Sentiment Scoring with tidytext and Syuzhet
- Classifying Texts with RTextTools
- Installation
- Usage
- ggplot df
- The Layers
- The Labels
- The Theme
- The Facets
- Plot multiple timeseries on same ggplot
- Bar charts
- Adjust X and Y axis limits
- Legend – Deleting and Changing Position
- Plot margin and background
- Annotation
Speeding Up R Code
- doParallel and foreach
- DPlyR
- Data.Table
- RCpp
Preparation Guide for Vskills Certificate in R Programming
A preparation guide basically refers to the essential resources and study materials required for the exam. Candidates here need to research for the best study resources in order to prepare better for the certification exam. Moreover, it will also help them to complete their syllabus quickly and with a good understanding of the concepts. And, for the Certificate in R Programming exam, below are the resources provided by Vskills that will help candidates to cover all the concepts and prepare well for the exam.

Exam Objectives
Exam objectives provide a brief about the exam topics that includes various sections and subsections. So, Candidates should get exam objectives to get a better understanding of the content and topics related to the exam. Moreover, it also provides a benefit to candidates to learn and explain things better during the preparation time. For Certificate in R Programming the topics include –
- R Language Basics
- Introduction to Statistics
- Introduction to Probability
- Regression Modelling
- Classification Models
- Machine Learning
- Unsupervised Learning
- Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
- Text Analytics
- ggplot2
- Speeding Up R Code
Vskills E-Learning
Vskills E-learning for Certificate in R Programming helps candidates to get a better understanding of the content by providing them the online learning material for a lifetime. This learning material comes with hard copy material that will help them in improving skills and staying up to date with the learning curve for getting better opportunities.
Books for Reference
Those Candidates who want to get in-depth details for the topic or content can take references from the books related to the exam. That is to say, reference books can be helpful for understanding concepts and topics fastly. However, for the Certificate in R Programming exam, there are various books available which you can find online or in libraries. Some of the books are as follows:
- The Art of R Programming Book by Norman Matloff
- Advanced R Book by Hadley Wickham
Evaluate yourself with Practice Test
Using Practice tests after completing any topic can be beneficial for candidates to understand the weak areas as well as for taking assessments to test their skills. This also helps in improving answering skills so that they can much of their time during the exam. Moreover, by assessing themselves candidates will get a clear view of their preparation and then start working on it accordingly. So, start practicing for the exam and get certified.