Certificate in Functional Programming

Functional programming is a programming standard where the center is on changing data through small expressions that don’t have side effects. Among other characteristics, functional languages give a compact system for writing programs, powerful concept designs for structuring programs, and an uncomplicated mathematical basis that helps to reason about programs. The Vskills Certificate in Functional Programming course teaches the foundations of functional programming and how to apply them in the real world.

Exam Overview

The Vskill certification acts as proof of your skills on professional social media like LinkedIn and for better job prospects. Earning Vskills Certificate in Functional Programming Certification can help candidate differentiate in today’s competitive job market, broaden their employment opportunities by displaying their advanced skills, and result in higher earning potential. This course is intended for professionals and graduates wanting to excel in their chosen areas. It is also well suited for those who are already working and would like to take certification for further career progression.

Vskills being India’s largest certification provider gives candidates access to top exams as well as provides after exam benefits. This includes:

  • Become Government Certified Professional!
  • The Certification is valid for life.
  • Candidates will get lifelong e-learning access.
  • Access to free Practice Tests.
  • Candidates will get tagged as ‘Vskills Certified’ On Monsterindia.com and  ‘Vskills Certified’ On Shine Shine.com.

Exam Details

  • Exam Duration: 60 minutes
  • Vskills Exam Code: VS-1542
  • Number  of questions: 50
  • Maximum marks: 50
  • Passing marks: 25 (50%)
  • Exam Mode: Online
  • There is NO negative marking in this module.

Course Outline

Vskills Certificate in Functional Programming exam covers the following topics –

Why Functional Programming?
  • The Imperative Way and a Higher Level of Abstraction
  • Functional Programming and Boilerplate
  • Higher Order Functions
  • Recursion Aids Immutability
  • Copy-On-Write, Laziness, and Deferred Execution
  • Composing Functions
FP Building Blocks
  • The Big O Notation
  • Space/Time Trade-Off
  • Referential Transparency
  • Vectors Versus Lists
  • Complexities and Collections
Lists in FP
  • First Steps
  • List Head and Tail
  • Drop Elements
  • Concatenating Lists
  • Persistent Data Structures and Tail Call Optimization
  • List Append and Prepend
  • Getting the Value at Index
  • Modifying a List Value
FP and Binary Trees
  • Node Definitions
  • Building the Tree
  • Comparing Trees
  • The Accumulator Idiom
  • Binary Search Trees
FP List Algorithms
  • Binary Numbers
  • Greedy Algorithms and Backtracking

Preparation Guide

Candidates brewing for the Certificate in Functional Programming exam should recognize the importance of exam resources. During the exam preparation, it is important to get all the necessary exam study sources. This will provide the benefit to understand the concepts and meaning more precisely. In the preparation guide, we will review some of the most significant resources to help the candidate prepare well for the exam.

Certificate in Functional Programming preparatory guide

Exam Objectives

For every examination, the first task should be to get all the exam relevant details including the important contents and its topic. With complete exam objectives, the candidate’s exam preparation time is better spent because they already know what to study. For this exam, the topics include:

  • Why Functional Programming?
  • FP Building Blocks
  • Lists in FP
  • FP and Binary Trees
  • FP List Algorithms

Vskills Online Learning Material

Vskills provides candidates a way to prepare for the exam using the online learning material for existence. The online material for this is regularly updated. Moreover, e-learning is bundled with hard copy material which encourages candidates to enhance and update the learning curve for superior and better opportunities. The candidate can also download the sample chapter for the Certificate in Functional Programming exam.

Books for Reference

The next step in the preparatory guide should be books and study guides. The candidate needs to find those books which are enriched with information. Finding a good book may be a difficult task, but in order to gather knowledge and skills, the candidate has to find, read, and understand. The candidate can try the following:

  • Functional Programming, Simplified: (Scala Edition) by Alvin Alexander 
  • Composing Software: An Exploration of Functional Programming and Object Composition in JavaScript by Eric Elliott 
  • Functional Thinking: Paradigm Over Syntax by Neal Ford 
Practice Test

Practice tests are the one who ensures the candidate about their preparation for the exam. The practice test will help the candidates to acknowledge their weak areas so that they can work on them. There are many practice tests available on the internet nowadays, so the candidate can choose which they want. Try the practice test here!

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