Capybara Basics

Learning Capybara Basics

 capybara testing tutorial

Let us understand the Capybara Basics. Moreover, this section illustrates the basic concepts like TDD, BDD, DSL, etc.

Capybara Basics

Capybara is a web-based automation framework. This is useful to create functional tests which simulate the user’s interaction with the application. However, there are many automation tools such as Selenium, Watir, Capybara, etc. Since all of these tools are have the purpose to offer. But, stills you may find a slight difference which makes them suitable.

In addition, the main characteristics that any developer aims are as follows-

  • Firstly, the ability to test the modules.
  • Subsequently, easy to write.
  • Lastly, easy to maintain

Also, this is true in Agile/TDD environments. Especially because here the writing tests is the second nature. Moreover, these tests are supposed to offer better and fast feedback on code quality. In the same vein, the number of tests gradually increases. Further, these can be really hard to maintain all the tests.

So, all the information regarding TDD, BDD, DSL is provided in the next tutorials. So, stay tuned.


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