Basics of built-in providers in Android

Basics of built-in providers in Android

In Android, a Content Provider is a component that allows an application to share data with other applications securely. A content provider manages access to a central repository of data. It provides a mechanism for managing data across multiple applications.

Android provides some built-in content providers that manage the data available through certain APIs or system components. For example, the Contacts Provider manages a database of contacts, and the Calendar Provider manages a calendar database. Other built-in content providers include MediaStore, which manages media files such as audio and video, and Settings, which manages system settings.

Developers can also create their own content providers to share data with other applications. This allows developers to provide a unified interface to access data in their own applications. To create a content provider, developers must implement the abstract methods of the ContentProvider class and define a URI that uniquely identifies the data managed by the provider. The URI can be used by other applications to access the data.

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