Basic Operations of a Computer – Input, Process and Output

Basic Operations of a Computer – Input, Process and Output

In data entry or computer basics, the basic operations of a computer are Input, Process, and Output (IPO).

Input refers to the process of entering data or information into a computer system using input devices such as a keyboard, mouse, or scanner. The input data can be in the form of text, numbers, images, or any other type of information that needs to be recorded in a digital format.

Process refers to the operations performed by the computer to manipulate or analyze the input data. This includes executing software applications, performing calculations, sorting and filtering data, and running programs.

Output refers to the result of the processed data that is presented to the user in a usable format. This can be in the form of text, images, graphs, charts, or any other format that is meaningful to the user.

Input – The process of entering the data and instruction to computer for processing.

Process – It refers to processing in CPU on the data, as per the given instructions.

Output – The process of output of the data from the computer system to user.



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