Basic Concepts

The main objective of governance is the welfare of citizens by not only safeguarding the legal rights of all citizens but, also ensuring equitable access to public services and the benefits of economic growth to all. E-Governance is an productive tool for the government to discharge its functions more effectively. But, e-Governance requires the government to change its processes, outlook, laws, rules and regulations and also the manner of interaction with the citizens.

e-Governance is not just meant only for introducing or using technological tools, it is an tool focused towards bringing a change in mindset and work culture to integrate government processes and functions to serve the citizens better.

Hence, e-governance targets internally-focused utilization of information and internet technologies to manage organizational or governmental resources across it’s departments like capital, human, material and machines with administering policies and procedures. The telecommunications network that facilitates e-governance is the Intranet.

The three main target groups that can be distinguished in e-governance concepts are government, citizens and businesses or interest groups and hence different E-Government mainly found across the world are Government-to-Citizen (or G2C), Government-to-Business (or G2B) and Government-to-Government (or G2G) depending upon the type of service.

Role of ICT

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