Backup and Security


There are two broad strategies for performing HBase backups: backing up with a full cluster shutdown, and backing up on a live cluster. Each approach has pros and cons.

Full Shutdown Backup – Some environments can tolerate a periodic full shutdown of their HBase cluster, for example if it is being used a back-end analytic capacity and not serving front-end web-pages. The benefits are that the NameNode/Master are RegionServers are down, so there is no chance of missing any in-flight changes to either StoreFiles or metadata. The obvious con is that the cluster is down. The steps include:

  • Stop HBase
  • Distcp – Distcp could be used to either copy the contents of the HBase directory in HDFS to either the same cluster in another directory, or to a different cluster. Distcp works in this situation because the cluster is down and there are no in-flight edits to files. Distcp-ing of files in the HBase directory is not generally recommended on a live cluster.
  • Restore (if needed) – The backup of the hbase directory from HDFS is copied onto the ‘real’ hbase directory via distcp. The act of copying these files creates new HDFS metadata, which is why a restore of the NameNode edits from the time of the HBase backup isn’t required for this kind of restore, because it’s a restore (via distcp) of a specific HDFS directory (i.e., the HBase part) not the entire HDFS file-system.

Live Cluster Backup – Replication

This approach assumes that there is a second cluster.

Live Cluster Backup – CopyTable

The copytable utility could either be used to copy data from one table to another on the same cluster, or to copy data to another table on another cluster.

Since the cluster is up, there is a risk that edits could be missed in the copy process.

Live Cluster Backup – Export

The export approach dumps the content of a table to HDFS on the same cluster. To restore the data, the import utility would be used.

Since the cluster is up, there is a risk that edits could be missed in the export process.

HBase Snapshots

HBase Snapshots allow you to take a copy of a table (both contents and metadata)with a very small performance impact. A Snapshot is an immutable collection of table metadata and a list of HFiles that comprised the table at the time the Snapshot was taken. A “clone” of a snapshot creates a new table from that snapshot, and a “restore” of a snapshot returns the contents of a table to what it was when the snapshot was created. The “clone” and “restore” operations do not require any data to be copied, as the underlying HFiles (the files which contain the data for an HBase table) are not modified with either action. Simiarly, exporting a snapshot to another cluster has little impact on RegionServers of the local cluster.

Prior to version 0.94.6, the only way to backup or to clone a table is to use CopyTable/ExportTable, or to copy all the hfiles in HDFS after disabling the table. The disadvantages of these methods are that you can degrade region server performance (Copy/Export Table) or you need to disable the table, that means no reads or writes; and this is usually unacceptable.

Configuration – To turn on the snapshot support just set the hbase.snapshot.enabled property to true. (Snapshots are enabled by default in 0.95+ and off by default in 0.94.6+)





Take a Snapshot – You can take a snapshot of a table regardless of whether it is enabled or disabled. The snapshot operation doesn’t involve any data copying.

$ ./bin/hbase shell

hbase> snapshot ‘myTable’, ‘myTableSnapshot-122112’

Export to another cluster

The ExportSnapshot tool copies all the data related to a snapshot (hfiles, logs, snapshot metadata) to another cluster. The tool executes a Map-Reduce job, similar to distcp, to copy files between the two clusters, and since it works at file-system level the hbase cluster does not have to be online.

To copy a snapshot called MySnapshot to an HBase cluster srv2 (hdfs:///srv2:8082/hbase) using 16 mappers:

$ bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot.ExportSnapshot -snapshot MySnapshot -copy-to hdfs://srv2:8082/hbase -mappers 16

​Best Practices for Backup-and-Restore

Formulate a restore strategy and test it. Before you rely on a backup-and-restore strategy for your production environment, identify how backups must be performed, and more importantly, how restores must be performed. Test the plan to ensure that it is workable.

At a minimum, store backup data from a production cluster on a different cluster or server. To further safeguard the data, use a backup location that is at a different site. If you have a unrecoverable loss of data on your primary production cluster as a result of computer system issues, you may be able to restore the data from a different cluster or server at the same site. However, a disaster that destroys the whole site renders locally stored backups useless. Consider storing the backup data and necessary resources (both computing capacity and operator expertise) to restore the data at a site sufficiently remote from the production site. In the case of a catastrophe at the whole primary site (fire, earthquake, etc.), the remote backup site can be very valuable.

Secure a full backup image first. As a baseline, you must complete a full backup of HBase data at least once before you can rely on incremental backups. The full backup should be stored outside of the source cluster. To ensure complete dataset recovery, you must run the restore utility with the option to restore baseline full backup. The full backup is the foundation of your dataset. Incremental backup data is applied on top of the full backup during the restore operation to return you to the point in time when backup was last taken.

Define and use backup sets for groups of tables that are logical subsets of the entire dataset. You can group tables into an object called a backup set. A backup set can save time when you have a particular group of tables that you expect to repeatedly back up or restore. When you create a backup set, you type table names to include in the group. The backup set includes not only groups of related tables, but also retains the HBase backup metadata. Afterwards, you can invoke the backup set name to indicate what tables apply to the command execution instead of entering all the table names individually.

Document the backup-and-restore strategy, and ideally log information about each backup. Document the whole process so that the knowledge base can transfer to new administrators after employee turnover. As an extra safety precaution, also log the calendar date, time, and other relevant details about the data of each backup. This metadata can potentially help locate a particular dataset in case of source cluster failure or primary site disaster. Maintain duplicate copies of all documentation: one copy at the production cluster site and another at the backup location or wherever it can be accessed by an administrator remotely from the production cluster.

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