Recording & Playback
Recording a test in QTP corresponds to recording the user actions of the application under test so that UFT automatically generates the scripts that can be played back. Record and Playback can give us the first impression if the tool can support the technology or NOT if the initial settings are done correctly.
Steps for Record and Playback is as follows:
Step 1: Click on “New” test from the Start Page as shown below:
Step 2: Upon Clicking, “New” Link, the new test window opens and the user need to select the test type. Select “GUI Test”, give a name for the test and also the location where it needs to be saved.
Step 3. Once a New test is created, the new test screen opens as shown below and click on “Action1” Tab which is created with 1 action by default.
Step 4. Click on “Record” Menu and select “Record and Run Settings” as shown below:
Step 5. The Record and Run Settings Dialog opens and based on the type of application, one can select i.e Web, Java, Windows Applications. For Example, We will record a Web Based Application (
Step 6. Click Record Button, the Internet Explorer opens automatically with the web address as per the settings. Click “Numbers” link under “Algebra” and key in a number and hit “calculate”. Upon completion of the action click “Stop” button in the record panel. You will notice that the script is generated as shown below:
Step 7. Now playback the script by clicking on the playback button. The Script replays and result is displayed.
Step 8. The result window is opened by default which exactly shows the timestamp of execution, pass and failed steps.
Significance of Record and Playback:
- It is used as the preliminary investigation method to verify if UFT can support the technology/application.
- Used to create a test a basic functionality of an application or feature that does not require long-term maintenance.
- It can be used for recording both mouse movements and keyboard inputs.
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