Annual HR Compliance submissions

DateCompliance regulationFormName of Return
21st JanThe Maternity Benefit,1961LMNO Rule 16(1)Annual Returns and details of payment ending 31st Dec.
1st FebThe Minimum Wages Act, 1948III Rule 21(4A)Annual Return
1st FebThe Payment of Wages Act 1936 & Related Mines Rules  VII, VIII Rule 16 related Air TransportV Rule 18 ( related Mines Rules)Annual Return
15thThe contract Labour ( R&A) Act 1970 & RulesXXV Rule 82(2)Annual Return by Principal Employer
30thThe Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 & RulesD Rule 5Annual Return – within 30 days after the expiry of 8 months from the close of the accounting year
Quarterly HR Compliance submissions
International Labour Law

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