Adding JSON-Formatted Log Files

In addition to plain text log files, you can also log information in JSON format. JSON-formatted logs offer several advantages, including:

  • Structured Data: JSON provides a structured format that is easier to parse and analyze using tools like Elasticsearch or Kibana.
  • Machine Readability: JSON is machine-readable, making it suitable for automated processing and analysis.
  • Flexibility: JSON can represent a wide range of data types and structures.

Creating a JSON Formatter

Import the JSON Formatter:


import logging.json

Create a JSON Formatter:


json_formatter = logging.json.JSONFormatter(
‘%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s’,

This creates a JSON formatter that includes the timestamp, logger name, log level, and message in the JSON output. The ensure_ascii parameter ensures that non-ASCII characters are properly encoded.

Adding the JSON Formatter to a Handler

Create a File Handler:


file_handler = logging.FileHandler(‘app.json’)

Set the Formatter:



Add the Handler to the Logger:



Logging JSON Objects

To log JSON objects directly, use the json.dumps function:


import json

data = {"message": "This is a JSON object"}

Additional Considerations

  • Logging Level: Adjust the logging level for the file handler to control which messages are written to the log file.
  • Log Rotation: Consider using rotating file handlers to manage log file size.
  • Log Analysis Tools: Use tools like Elasticsearch or Kibana to analyze JSON-formatted logs.
Using Custom Filters to Obfuscate Email Addresses in Logs
Tracking Logs by Request Using Correlation ID

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