Access by server-side PHP

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The Facebook SDK for PHP provides a rich set of server-side functionality for accessing Facebook’s server-side API calls. These include all of the features of the Graph API and FQL.

The SDK is typically used to perform operations as an app administrator, but can also be used to perform operations on behalf of the current session user. By removing the need to manage access tokens manually, the SDK greatly simplifies the process of authentication and authorizing users for your app.

Download the SDK and obtain App ID
Installing and initializing
Authentication and authorization
Integration with the Facebook SDK for JavaScript
Next steps

Download the SDK and obtain App ID

class SessionValidator {
    private $userId;            //id of user
    private $accessToken;       //facebook user's access token
    private $fb;
    public function __construct($userId, $accessToken){
        $this->userId = $userId;
        $this->accessToken = $accessToken;
        $app_id = @appId; 
        $app_secret = @secret;

        $fb = new Facebook(array('appId' => $app_id, 'secret' => $app_secret));

        $this->fb = $fb;
    public function authUserSession(){
        $url = '';
        $data['fields'] = $this->userId;
        $data['access_token'] = $this->accessToken;

        $response = $this->post_request($url, $data);

        return $response;
    private function post_request($url, $data){
        return $this->fb->api('/me', 'POST', $data);
Access by pure JS
Application setup in facebook

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