Introduction to Patents

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A Patent is an intellectual property right relating to inventions and is the grant of exclusive right, for limited period, provided by the Government to the patentee, in exchange of full disclosure of his invention, for excluding others, from making, using, selling, importing the patented product or process producing that product for those purposes.

The purpose of this system is to encourage inventions by promoting their protection and utilization so as to contribute to the development of industries, which in turn, contributes to the promotion of technological innovation and to the transfer and dissemination of technology. Under the system, Patents ensure property rights (legal title) for the invention for which patent has been granted, which may be extremely valuable to an individual or a Company. One should make the fullest possible use of the Patent System and the benefits it provides.

Patent right is territorial in nature and a patent obtained in one country is not enforceable in other country. The inventors/their assignees are required to file separate patent applications in different countries for obtaining the patent in those countries.

Act to be aligned to International Conventions patents.

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