Previously, we only encountered React elements that represent DOM tags:
const element = <div />;
However, elements can also represent user-defined components:
const element = <Welcome name=”Sara” />;
When React sees an element representing a user-defined component, it passes JSX attributes to this component as a single object. We call this object “props”.
For example, this code renders “Hello, Sara” on the page:
function Welcome(props) {
return <h1>Hello, {}</h1>;
const element = <Welcome name=”Sara” />;
Let’s recap what happens in this example:
- We call ReactDOM.render() with the <Welcome name=”Sara” /> element.
- React calls the Welcome component with {name: ‘Sara’} as the props.
- Our Welcome component returns a <h1>Hello, Sara</h1> element as the result.
- React DOM efficiently updates the DOM to match <h1>Hello, Sara</h1>.