SoapUI Interface

SoapUI Interface

SoapUI Interface

This section is dedicated to SoapUI Interface.

Main Window

The Main Window has the following tools-


  Option Description
1 Main toolbar Main toolbar
2 Icons toolbar Icon shortcuts toolbar
3 Navigator Pane Expandable tree display of workspace content (Read Reference Navigation)
4 Properties Pane Lists available predefined workspace properties(Read Reference Navigation)
5 Log Inspectors Available log inspectors in the main window

File Menu

The File Menu has the following tools-


Option Description
New soapUI Project Creates a new soapUI project in this workspace
Import Project Adds an existing project into this workspace
Import Remote Project Imports a remote project into this workspace
Save All Projects Saves all projects in the current workspace
Open All Closed Projects Opens all closed projects in the current workspace
Close All Opened Projects Closes all opened projects in the current workspace
Rename Renames this workspace
New Workspace Creates a new workspace
Switch Workspaces Loads another workspace file
Clear Workspace Removes all projects from the workspace
Preferences Sets global soapUI preferences
Save Preferences Saves all global preferences
Import Preferences Imports soapUI settings from another setting -file
Recent Reopens recent items
Exit Saves all projects and exist soapUI
Exit Without Saving Exits SoapUI without saving
Online Help Shows online help


Tools Menu

The Tool Menu consists of the following tools-


Option Description
JBossWS Artifacts Generates JBoss WS artifacts using the JBoss wstools utility
JBossWS JAX-WS Artifacts Generates JBossWS JAX-WS artifacts using JBoss WS wsconsume
JAX-RPC Artifacts Generates JAX-RPC artifacts using wscompile
JAX-WS Artifacts Generates JAX-WS artifacts using wsimport
AXIS 1.X Artifacts Generates AXIS 1.X artifacts using WSDL2Java
AXIS 2.X Artifacts Generates AXIS 2.X artifacts using WSDL2Java
Apache CXF Generates Apache CXF using WSDL2Java utility
XFire 1.X Stubs Generates XFire 1.X stubs using wsgen utility
Oracle Proxy Artifacts Generates Oracle Proxy artifacts using the wsa.jar utility
XmlBeans Classes Generates XmlBeans classes
JAXB 2.0 Artifacts Generates JAXB 2.0 artifacts
.NET 2.0 Artifacts Generates .NET 2.0 artifacts using wsdl.exe
GSoap Artifacts Generates GSoap artifacts using wsdl2h and soap2cpp
Launch TcpMon Launch Tcp Mon for monitoring SOAP traffic
HermesJMS Start Hermes JMS application


Desktop Menu

The Desktop Menu consists of the following tools-

Option Description
Switch Window Prompts to switch to an open editor window
Maximize Desktop Hides or shows the navigator and log tabs
Close Current Close the current tab
Close Others Close all tabs except the current one
Close All Close all windows
Open TestCase Layout Opens TestCase Layout


Icons Toolbar

The Icons Toolbar has the following options and tools-


Option Description
Empty Creates an empty SoapUI project.
SOAP Creates a new SOAP project.
REST Creates a new REST project.
Import Imports an existing soapUI project into the current workspace
Save All Saves all projects in the current workspace
Forum Opens SoapUI forum.
Trial Opens the SoapUI Pro Trial download page.
Preferences Sets global soapUI preferences
proxy Apply proxy defined in global preferences
Find Searches the soapUI support forum
Help browser Show online help

Log Inspectors

  • Firstly, soapUI Log
  • Secondly, HTTP Log
  • Subsequently, Jetty Log
  • Moreover, Error Log
  • In addition, Wsrm Log
  • Lastly, Memory Log

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