An Introduction to SoapUI

An Introduction to SoapUI

An Introduction to soapUI

This section is all about an Introduction to soapUI.

SoapUI is an open-source web service testing application for service-oriented architectures (SOA) and representational state transfers (REST). Its functions are-

  • Firstly,  web service inspection,
  • Secondly, invoking, development, simulation and mocking testing
  • Subsequently, functional testing,
  • Lastly, load and compliance testing.

Moreover, a commercial version, SoapUI Pro is also available. Further, it mainly focuses on features designed to enhance productivity. In addition, SoapUI was initially released to SourceForge in September 2005.

Also, it is free software. This is licensed under the terms of the European Union Public License. Since the initial release, SoapUI has been downloaded more than 2,000,000 times. Moreover, it is built entirely on the Java platform and uses Swing for the user interface. As a result, this makes SoapUI a cross-platform. Today, SoapUI also supports IDEA, Eclipse, and NetBeans.

SoapUI can test SOAP and REST web services. Moreover, it can also test JMS, AMF and any HTTP(S) and JDBC calls.

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