Benchmarking Process

Process of Benchmarking

The benchmarking process refers to an organization’s progress through four focuses. Initially, attention is on competitive products or services which develops into a focus on industry best practices. Moreover, the real breakthroughs are when organizations focus on all aspects of the total business performance, across all functions and aspects. And address current and projected performance gaps. Above all, this should lead to the focus on processes and true continuous improvement.

Benchmarks Customer Satisfaction

Benchmarks may be important for customer satisfaction. It includes,

  • Firstly, product or service consistency.
  • Then, correct and on-time delivery.
  • After that, the speed of response or new product development.
  • Lastly, Correct billing.

Benchmarking Purpose

The purpose of benchmarking is,

  • Firstly, changing the perspectives of executives and managers.
  • After that, comparing business practices with those of world class organizations.
  • Then, challenging current practices and processes.
  • Lastly, creating improved goals and practices for the organization.

Stages of Benchmarking

The benchmarking process has five stages that focus on measuring comparisons and identifying areas for action and change.


Overview of stages


  • Firstly, selecting processes.
  • After that, bringing together with the appropriate team.
  • Identifying benchmarks and measures.
  • Then, identify the best competitors or operators of the process.
  • LAstly, document the current process.


  • Firstly, decide the information and data collection methodology.
  • Recording current performance levels.
  • Identifying benchmarking partners.
  • Conducting investigation.
  • Preparing for any site visits and interact.
  • Using data collection methods.
  • Carrying out site visits.


  • Firstly, normalize the performance data.
  • Construct a matrix to compare current performance.
  • Identify practices.
  • Lastly, understand the process enablers.


  • Firstly, catalog the information.
  • Then, develop a new performance level.
  • Vision alternative process.
  • Identifying and minimizing barriers.
  • Developing action plans to adapt.
  • Lastly, implementing specific actions.


  • Firstly, monitoring the results.
  • Assess outcomes.
  • Review benchmarks.
  • Share experiences and best practices.
  • Review relationships.
  • Lastly, identifying further opportunities.

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