Assessment in Talent Management– Assessment is the process of documenting, usually in measurable terms, knowledge, skill, attitudes, and beliefs. Assessment can focus on the individual learner, the learning community (class, workshop, or other organized group of learners), the institution, or the educational system as a whole (also known as granularity).
We may define Talent assessment the process used to help employers identify the right job candidates for their company,” talent assessment is increasingly recognized as a critical component of company performance and success—especially amid today’s economic landscape
The final purpose of assessment practices in education depends on the theoretical framework of the practitioners and researchers, their assumptions and beliefs about the nature of human mind, the origin of knowledge, and the process of learning.
Types of Assessment
The term assessment is generally used to refer to all activities teachers use to help students learn and to gauge student progress. Though the notion of assessment is generally more complicated than the following categories suggest, assessment is often divided for the sake of convenience using the following distinctions:
- initial, formative, and summative
- objective and subjective
- referencing (criterion-referenced, norm-referenced, and ipsative)
- informal and formal.
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