Quality Tutorial | Design of Experiments (DOE)

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Design of Experiments (DOE)

It is a method of varying a number of input factors simultaneously in a planned manner, so that their individual and combined effects on the output can be identified. It develops well-designed efforts to identify which process changes yield the best possible results for sustained improvement as mostly experiments address only one factor at a time, the Design of Experiments (DOE) method focuses on multiple factors at one time. It provides the data that illustrates the significance to the output of input variables acting alone or interacting with one another. Various DOE advantages include evaluation of multiple factors simultaneously, controlling of input factors to make the output insensitive to noise factors, experiments highlight important factors, and there is confidence in the conclusions drawn. the factors can easily be set at the optimum levels and quality and reliability can be improved without cost increase or cost savings can be achieved.

Basic DOE terms are

  • Factor – A predictor variable that is varied with the intent of assessing its effect on a response variable. Most often referred to as an “input variable.”
  • Factor Level – It is a specific setting for a factor. In DOE, levels are frequently set as high and low for each factor. A potential setting, value or assignment of a factor of the value of the predictor variable like, if the factor is time, then the low level may be 10 minutes and the high level may be 30 minutes.
  • Response variable – A variable representing the outcome of an experiment. The response is often referred to as the output or dependent variable.
  • Treatment – The specific setting of factor levels for an experimental unit. For example, a level of temperature at 65° C and a level of time at 45 minutes describe a treatment as it relates to an output of yield.
  • Experimental error – An error from an experiment reveals variation in the outcome of identical tests. The variation in the response variable beyond that accounted for by the factors, blocks, or other assignable sources while conducting an experiment.
  • Experimental run – A single performance of an experiment for a specific set of treatment conditions.
  • Experimental unit – The smallest entity receiving a particular treatment, subsequently yielding a value of the response variable.
  • Predictor Variable – A variable that can contribute to the explanation of the outcome of an experiment. Also known as an independent variable.
  • Repeated Measures – The measurement of a response variable more than once under similar conditions. Repeated measures allow one to determine the inherent variability in the measurement system. Repeated measures are known as “duplication” or ‘repetition.”
  • Replicate – A single repetition of the experiment.
  • Replication – Performance of an experiment more than once for a given set of predictor variables. Each of the repetitions of the experiment is called a “replicate.” Replication differs from repeated measures in that it is a repeat of the entire experiment for a given set of predictor variables, not just repeat of measurements of the same experiment.
  • Replication increases the precision of the estimates of the effects in an experiment. Replication is more effective when all elements contributing to the experimental error are included. In some cases replication may be limited to repeated measures under essentially the same conditions. In other cases, replication may be deliberately different, though similar, in order to make the results more general.
  • Repetition – When an experiment is conducted more than once, repetition describes this event when the factors are not reset. Subsequent test trials are run again but not necessarily under the same conditions.
  • Blocking – When structuring fractional factorial experimental test trials, blocking is used to account for variables that the experimenter wishes to avoid. A block may be a dummy factor which doesn’t interact with the real factors.
  • Box-Behnken – When full second-order polynomial models are to be used in response surface studies of three or more factors, Box- Behnken designs are often very efficient. They are highly fractional, three-level factorial designs.
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