1. Introduction
1.1 Graphics Systems
1.2 Scalability
1.3 SVG’s Role
1.4 Creating an SVG Graphic
2. Coordinates
2.1 The Viewport
2.2 Using Default User Coordinates
2.3 Specifying User Coordinates for a Viewport
2.4 Preserving Aspect Ratio
2.5 Nested Systems of Coordinates
3. Basic Shapes
3.1 Lines
3.2 Stroke Characteristics
3.3 Rectangles
3.4 Circles and Ellipses
3.5 The polygon Element
3.6 The polyline Element
3.7 Basic Shapes Reference Summary
4. Document Structure
4.1 Structure and Presentation
4.2 Using Styles with SVG
4.3 Document Structure — Grouping and Referencing Objects
5. Transforming the Coordinate System
5.1 The translate Transformation
5.2 The scale Transformation
5.3 Sequences of Transformations
5.4 Technique: Converting from Cartesian Coordinates
5.5 The rotate Transformation
5.6 Technique: Scaling Around a Center Point
5.7 The skewX and skewY Transformations
5.8 Transformation Reference Summary
6. Paths
6.1 moveto, lineto, and closepath
6.2 Relative moveto and lineto
6.3 Path Shortcuts
6.4 Elliptical Arc
6.5 Technique: Converting from Other Arc Formats
6.6 Bézier Curves
6.7 Path Reference Summary
6.8 Paths and Filling
6.9 The marker element
6.10 Marker Miscellanea
7. Patterns and Gradients
7.1 Patterns
7.2 Gradients
7.3 radialGradient
7.4 Gradient Reference Summary
7.5 Transforming Gradients and Patterns
8. Text
8.1 Text Terminology
8.2 Simple Attributes and Properties of the text Element
8.3 Text Alignment
8.4 The tspan element
8.5 Setting textLength
8.6 Vertical Text
8.7 Internationalization and Text
8.8 Text on a Path
8.9 Whitespace and Text
8.10 Case Study — Adding Text to a Graphic
9. Clipping and Masking
9.1 How Filters Work
9.2 Creating a Drop Shadow
9.3 Creating a Glowing Shadow
9.4 The feImage Filter
9.5 The feComponentTransfer Filter
9.6 The feComposite Filter
9.7 The feBlend Filter
9.8 The feFlood and feTile Filters
9.9 Lighting Effects
9.10 Accessing the Background
9.11 The feMorphology Element
9.12 The feConvolveMatrix Element
9.13 The feDisplacementMap Element
9.14 The feTurbulence Element
9.15 Filter Reference Summary
10. Animating and Scripting SVG
10.1 Animation Basics
10.2 How Time Is Measured
10.3 Repeated Action
10.4 The set Element
10.5 The animateColor Element
10.6 The animateTransform Element
10.7 The animateMotion Element
10.8 Using Links in SVG
10.9 Scripting SVG
11. Generating SVG
11.1 Using Perl to Convert Custom Data to SVG
11.2 Using Java to Convert XML to SVG
11.3 Using XSLT to Convert XML Data to SVG
12. Serving SVG Files
12.1 Serving Web Files — The Task at Hand
12.2 Partitioning the Task
12.3 Setting up the Server