Validation levels, test plan and estimate

Validation levels, test plan and estimate

Validation is the process of testing a software product to ensure that it meets its intended use and satisfies customer requirements. There are different levels of validation that Software Quality Assurance (SQA) teams can perform to ensure that the software product is validated properly.

The different levels of validation are:

Unit validation: This level of validation focuses on validating individual components or modules of the software product. Unit tests are conducted to ensure that the code meets the expected behavior.

Integration validation: This level of validation focuses on testing how different components or modules of the software product interact with each other. Integration tests are conducted to ensure that the system works as intended and the data flow between the components is correct.

System validation: This level of validation focuses on testing the software product as a whole in its intended environment. System tests are conducted to ensure that the product meets all customer requirements and functions as intended.

A test plan is a document that outlines the testing approach, the testing environment, test objectives, and the resources required for each level of validation. The test plan provides a roadmap for the SQA team to follow during the validation process.

Estimation is the process of estimating the amount of effort, resources, and time required to complete the validation process successfully. SQA teams use various techniques such as expert judgment, historical data, and complexity analysis to estimate the effort required for validation activities. Accurate estimation helps in planning and allocating resources effectively and ensures that the validation process is completed on time and within budget.

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