Need and Testing tools

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Need and Testing tools

Testing is an examination on a product or service to gauge the quality for a given parameter. Web site testing is a specialized sub-domain under software testing which, is gaining ground due to spread of internet. Testing of web sites and web applications is called web testing. Web testing is a ongoing process for achieving desired parameters at specific levels and is described as a process with following sub-processes

  • Identify the Test Environment. Identify the physical test environment and the production environment as well as the tools and resources available to the test team. The physical environment includes hardware, software, and network configurations. Having a thorough understanding of the entire test environment at the outset enables more efficient test design and planning and helps to identify testing challenges early in the project. In some situations, this process must be revisited periodically throughout the project’s life cycle.
  • Identify Performance Acceptance Criteria. Identify the response time, throughput, and resource utilization goals and constraints. In general, response time is a user concern, throughput is a business concern, and resource utilization is a system concern. Additionally, identify project success criteria that may not be captured by those goals and constraints; for example, using performance tests to evaluate what combination of configuration settings will result in the most desirable performance characteristics.
  • Plan and Design Tests. Identify key scenarios, determine variability among representative users and how to simulate that variability, define test data, and establish metrics to be collected. Consolidate this information into one or more models of system usage to be implemented, executed, and analyzed.
  • Configure the Test Environment. Prepare the test environment, tools, and resources necessary to execute each strategy as features and components become available for test. Ensure that the test environment is instrumented for resource monitoring as necessary.
  • Implement the Test Design. Develop the performance tests in accordance with the test design.
  • Execute the Test. Run and monitor tests. Validate the tests, test data, and results collection. Execute validated tests for analysis while monitoring the test and the test environment.
  • Analyze Results, Report, and Retest.  Consolidate and share results data. Analyze the data both individually and as a cross-functional team. Reprioritize the remaining tests and re-execute them as needed. When all of the metric values are within accepted limits, none of the set thresholds have been violated, and all of the desired information has been collected, and have finished testing that particular scenario on that particular configuration.

Web Testing Need

Testing a website is crucial especially an e-commerce website as a website is the prime revenue generator and act as the sale point for the online shopper and the organization. Few reasons which emphasizes the web testing, include

  • Better user experience for the online customer thus, customers will stay long on the website and buy more products
  • Better navigation and usability means ease of using the website by online customer thus, quick revenue generation and repeat customers
  • Increased search engine rankings.
  • Increased sales, enquiries and interactions.
  • Assessing infrastructure adequacy
  • Assessing adequacy of developed web site performance
  • Improving the efficiency of performance tuning

Web Testing Tools

Various web testing tools are available and even web based testing services are also present which, are listed

  • Open Source web testing tools includes Apache JMeter(for load testing and performance measurement), Curl-loader ( for load testing), Selenium (for automating web browsers testing) and Watir (for web Automation Testing).
  • Commercial web testing tools includes HP LoadRunner (for performance and load testing), HP QuickTest Professional (for functional and regression testing), IBM Rational Functional Tester (for  functional testing) and NeoLoad (for load and performance testing).

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