Namespace and Delegates

Namespace and Delegates

Namespace in C# is a mechanism for organizing code and preventing naming conflicts. It is a way to group related classes, interfaces, structures, and other types into a single container. By using namespaces, you can create modular, reusable, and easy-to-maintain code.

For example, if you have two classes with the same name in different libraries, you can differentiate between them by specifying their namespaces. In C#, namespaces are declared using the “namespace” keyword followed by the namespace name.

Delegates in C# are similar to function pointers in C++. They are a type-safe way of passing methods as parameters to other methods. A delegate is a reference type that represents a method with a specific signature. It allows you to encapsulate a method call, pass it around as an object, and invoke it at a later time.

Delegates are useful for implementing callbacks, event handling, and asynchronous programming. They can also be used to define custom iterators and to implement the visitor pattern.

To define a delegate, you first declare the delegate type, which specifies the method signature. Then you create an instance of the delegate and assign it to a method that has the same signature. When you invoke the delegate, it calls the assigned method.

In C#, delegates can be declared using the “delegate” keyword followed by the return type, the delegate name, and the method parameters. Delegates can be combined using the “+” operator to create multicast delegates, which invoke multiple methods in sequence.

Operator Overloading
Creating & using Namespace(DLL library)

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