

In C#, an interface is a programming construct that defines a contract for a class or struct. It is a collection of abstract methods, properties, events, and indexers that define the behavior of an object.

Interfaces provide a way to implement polymorphism in C#, which allows objects of different classes to be used interchangeably. By implementing an interface, a class or struct can provide a specific set of behaviors that can be accessed through that interface.

To implement an interface, a class or struct must provide implementations for all the members defined in the interface. This is done using the “implements” keyword in the class or struct declaration.

Interfaces can also be used to define custom event handlers and delegates, which allow for greater flexibility in event handling and delegate usage.

Overall, interfaces are an important part of C# programming as they allow for greater code reusability, flexibility, and extensibility. They also enable developers to design more modular and maintainable code by separating concerns and defining clear contracts between components.

Software and hardware pre-requisites
Operator Overloading

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