

C# is a modern, object-oriented programming language that is widely used in developing applications for Windows, web, and mobile platforms. C# provides a wide range of methods that can be used to perform various tasks, such as manipulating strings, arrays, collections, and more. Here are some of the most commonly used methods in C#:

  1. String Methods: C# provides a rich set of methods to manipulate strings, such as Substring, Replace, Trim, and more. These methods allow you to perform various operations on strings, such as extracting substrings, replacing characters, and trimming whitespace.
  2. Array Methods: C# provides several methods to work with arrays, such as Sort, Reverse, and BinarySearch. These methods allow you to sort and search arrays, as well as perform other operations, such as resizing and copying.
  3. Collection Methods: C# provides several methods to work with collections, such as Add, Remove, and Contains. These methods allow you to manipulate collections, such as lists, dictionaries, and queues.
  4. File and Directory Methods: C# provides several methods to work with files and directories, such as CreateDirectory, Delete, and Move. These methods allow you to create, delete, move, and perform other operations on files and directories.
  5. Math Methods: C# provides several methods to perform mathematical operations, such as Abs, Pow, and Sqrt. These methods allow you to perform various mathematical calculations, such as finding absolute values, raising numbers to a power, and calculating square roots.

Overall, C# provides a wide range of methods that can be used to perform various tasks, making it a powerful and versatile programming language for developing applications.

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