

Apache CouchDB is an open-source document-oriented database management system that stores data in JSON-like documents. The database is designed to be highly available, scalable, and fault-tolerant.

Apache CouchDB uses a RESTful HTTP API to interact with the database, making it easy to integrate with web applications. Its document-oriented approach to data storage is highly flexible, allowing developers to store data in a variety of formats.

One of the key features of CouchDB is its built-in synchronization and replication capabilities. This allows data to be replicated across multiple instances of CouchDB, even across different data centers and geographic regions, ensuring that data is always available.

Overall, Apache CouchDB is a powerful and flexible database solution for developers who require a highly available and scalable database that can integrate seamlessly with web applications.

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Backup and Security
Clustering, Fault Tolerance and Load Balancing

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