

Collaboration is an essential feature of Microsoft PowerPoint that allows users to work together on the same presentation. Here are some ways to collaborate on a PowerPoint presentation:

Co-authoring: PowerPoint allows multiple users to edit a presentation simultaneously. Each user’s changes are highlighted with their name, making it easy to see who made which changes.

Comments: Users can leave comments on specific slides or objects within a slide to provide feedback or ask questions.

Sharing: PowerPoint allows users to share their presentations with others via email, OneDrive, or SharePoint. Users can choose to give view-only access or allow editing access.

Version history: PowerPoint keeps track of the version history of a presentation, making it easy to revert to a previous version if necessary.

Compare: PowerPoint allows users to compare two versions of a presentation side-by-side to see the differences.

PowerPoint Online: PowerPoint Online is a free web-based version of PowerPoint that allows multiple users to edit the same presentation simultaneously in real-time.

Microsoft Teams: Users can collaborate on PowerPoint presentations within Microsoft Teams by sharing the presentation in a Teams channel and co-authoring in real-time.

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Track, Accept, and Reject changes in a Presentation

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