Maturity Models

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Maturity Models

SImilar to prevalent and widespread maturity models as used in computing (CMM).

Maturity Models is an classification which defines different levels of development in electronic delivery of governance.

E-Governance Maturity Model has been defined by Centre for e-Governance to assess the e-Governance project maturity of state departments with respect to envisaged vision and department’s preparedness to realize it. Maturity of the departments has been classified in following five stages.

1. Inception Stage: This is the primitive stage of e-governance adoption by the departments. In this stage, the department may have basic level of computerization built on localized infrastructure such as PC, LAN etc. The data may be digitized but available locally. At this stage, the departments would not have achieved process automation leaving delivery of services through manual process. However, basic office applications such as Word, spreadsheet etc. may be in practice to generate, maintain and communicate data.

2. Conceptualization: In this stage, departments are expected to have experience in conceptualizing the areas of IT enablement in structuring their operation and/ or services, thus conceptualizing e-Governance programs. The conceptualization may be in form of concept note, DPR, as-is and to-be documents, target envisioning or a roadmap. The departments must have identified citizen centric services as well as operational efficiency parameters which would form the crux of their e-governance initiative.

3. EOI/PoC/Pilot: The department explores enabling technology options to realize the target envisioned in stage 2. Departments may follow varied approach to arrive at possible technological options. The possible approaches are Expression of Interest, Proof of Concept or pilot run of available solutions. The outcome of the effort in this stage provides inputs for preparation of RFP/development of right solution. In this stage, the mechanism of service delivery and service level objectives are also outlined.

4. Implementation Stage: In this stage, functional and technical requirements of the e-governance solutions are articulated through Request for Proposal (RFP). Vendor selections are done through tendering. Scope of work, Business models and Service Level Management with service level objectives, service level agreements, measurements and enforcement are designed as a part of RFP. The solution is designed, developed or configured, tested and implemented.

5. Advanced Stage: The advance stage of e-governance maturity requires the department to adopt the standards and practices as envisioned in NeGP. In this stage, the department is expected to integrate e-Governance programs with common infrastructure such as SDC, SWAN and CSCs etc. Web enablement, service integration with delivery gateway, interoperability, inter department communication, implementation of Information Security standards and use of pioneering technology are some of the hallmarks of advance stage

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