CSS Scroll Snap is a relatively new feature that allows you to control the snapping behavior of scrollable elements. This can be particularly useful in creating smooth and intuitive scrolling experiences, especially on mobile devices.
Basic Usage
To enable scroll snapping for an element, you need to set the scroll-snap-type property. Here are the common values:
- none: Disables scroll snapping.
- x-mandatory: Snaps to the nearest element in the x-axis direction.
- y-mandatory: Snaps to the nearest element in the y-axis direction.
- both-mandatory: Snaps to the nearest element in both the x and y axes.
- x-proximity: Snaps to the nearest element in the x-axis direction if it’s close enough.
- y-proximity: Snaps to the nearest element in the y-axis direction if it’s close enough.
- both-proximity: Snaps to the nearest element in both the x and y axes if it’s close enough.
.scrollable-container {
overflow: auto;
scroll-snap-type: y mandatory;
.scrollable-element {
height: 300px;
scroll-snap-align: start;
In this example, the .scrollable-container element has scroll-snap-type: y mandatory, which means it will snap to the nearest element in the vertical direction. The .scrollable-element has scroll-snap-align: start, which specifies that the element should snap to its starting edge.
Responsive Design Considerations
- Media Queries: Use media queries to adjust scroll snapping behavior based on screen size. For example, you might want to disable snapping on smaller screens.
- User Experience: Consider the user experience when using scroll snapping. Ensure that it doesn’t hinder navigation or create unexpected behavior.
- Accessibility: Make sure that scroll snapping is accessible to users with disabilities. Provide clear visual cues and keyboard navigation.
Additional Tips
- Scroll Snap Points: Use the scroll-snap-points property to define specific points within a container where snapping should occur.
- Scroll Snap Destinations: Use the scroll-snap-destination property to specify the destination of a scroll snap.
- Scroll Snap Stop: Use the scroll-snap-stop property to control whether scrolling should stop immediately at a snap point or continue with momentum.
By effectively using CSS Scroll Snap, you can create more engaging and intuitive scrolling experiences in your responsive web designs.