SVG filters can be used to apply various visual effects to elements on a web page. This can be a powerful technique for creating unique and engaging designs.
Basic Syntax
filter: url(#my-filter);
Creating an SVG Filter
- Create an SVG element: Define the <filter> element within your SVG.
- Add filter effects: Use elements like <feGaussianBlur>, <feColorMatrix>, <feDropShadow>, etc., to create different effects.
<svg width=”0″ height=”0″>
<filter id=”my-filter”>
<feGaussianBlur in=”SourceGraphic” stdDeviation=”5″ />
Applying the Filter
.element {
filter: url(#my-filter);
Common SVG Filter Elements
- <feGaussianBlur>: Applies a Gaussian blur to the element.
- <feColorMatrix>: Applies a color matrix transformation to the element.
- <feDropShadow>: Creates a drop shadow effect.
- <feMorphology>: Applies morphological operations to the element (e.g., erode, dilate).
- <feOffset>: Offsets the input image.
- <feBlend>: Blends the input image with another image.
Responsive Considerations
- Use relative units: Use em or rem for filter parameters to create responsive effects.
- Combine with media queries: Adjust filter properties based on screen size.
- Consider performance: Excessive filters can impact performance, so use them judiciously.
@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {
.element {
filter: url(#my-filter) blur(10px);
} By using SVG filters, you can create a wide range of visual effects for your web designs. Experiment with different filter elements and combinations to achieve the desired results.