Serial Communication Introduction

Serial communication is a fundamental technique for transferring data between electronic devices. It involves sending data sequentially, one bit at a time, over a single wire. Arduino boards provide built-in serial communication capabilities, making it easy to connect them to other devices such as computers, sensors, and modules.

Basic Concepts

  • Serial Port: A physical interface that allows devices to transmit and receive data serially.
  • Baud Rate: The speed at which data is transmitted, measured in bits per second (bps).
  • Parity: An error-checking mechanism used to detect transmission errors.
  • Stop Bits: Additional bits used to signal the end of a data transmission.

Serial Communication with Arduino

Arduino boards typically have a hardware serial port, which is connected to the USB port for communication with a computer. You can also use software serial communication to enable serial communication on other pins.

Setting Up Serial Communication

  1. Initialize the Serial Port: Use the Serial.begin() function to initialize the serial port and specify the baud rate. For example, Serial.begin(9600) sets the baud rate to 9600 bps.
  2. Transmit Data: Use the Serial.print() or Serial.println() functions to send data to the serial port. For example, Serial.println("Hello, world!"); sends the string “Hello, world!” to the serial port.
  3. Receive Data: Use the Serial.available() function to check if there is data available to read. If data is available, use the function to read a single character.

Example Code


void setup() {

void loop() {
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
    int incomingByte =;
    Serial.print("You sent me: ");
    Serial.println(incomingByte, DEC);

This code reads any incoming data from the serial port and prints it back to the console.

Serial Communication Protocols

  • UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter): A common serial communication protocol used by many devices.
  • RS-232: A standard for serial communication over long distances.
  • USB (Universal Serial Bus): A high-speed serial communication protocol used for connecting devices to computers.

Applications of Serial Communication

  • Interfacing with Sensors and Modules: Connect sensors, actuators, and other devices to Arduino using serial communication.
  • Debugging and Monitoring: Use serial communication to monitor the behavior of your Arduino projects and debug issues.
  • Data Logging: Log data from sensors or other devices to a computer for analysis.
  • Remote Control: Control Arduino projects remotely using serial communication.

By understanding the basics of serial communication and utilizing the built-in features of Arduino boards, you can effectively connect your projects to other devices and exchange data.

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Serial Communication Programming

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