Server Streaming API: Server-Side Implementation

Server streaming APIs in gRPC allow the server to send a stream of data to the client in response to a single request. This is particularly useful for scenarios where the server needs to continuously send data to the client, such as streaming a video or providing real-time updates.

Key Components of Server Streaming APIs

  • Server: The server handles the request and sends a stream of responses to the client.
  • Client: The client sends a single request to the server and receives a stream of responses.
  • StreamObserver: The server uses a StreamObserver to send responses to the client.

Implementing a Server Streaming API

  1. Define the Service and Messages: Create a .proto file to define the service and message definitions.
  2. Generate Server Code: Use the protoc compiler to generate server code from the .proto file.
  3. Implement the Service: Override the server streaming method in your service implementation.
  4. Send Responses: Use the StreamObserver interface to send responses to the client.


Protocol Buffers

syntax = "proto3";

service ChatService {
  rpc GetMessages(ChatRequest) returns (stream ChatMessage) {}

message ChatRequest {
  string channelId = 1;

message ChatMessage {
  string sender = 1;
  string message = 2;


public class ChatServiceImpl extends ChatServiceGrpc.ChatServiceImplBase {
    public void getMessages(ChatRequest request, StreamObserver<ChatMessage> responseObserver) {
        // Logic to retrieve messages from the chat channel
        List<ChatMessage> messages = getMessagesFromChannel(request.getChannelId());

        // Send the messages to the client
        for (ChatMessage message : messages) {

        // Complete the stream

Best Practices

  • Efficient Data Transfer: Use efficient data structures and serialization formats to minimize network overhead.
  • Error Handling: Implement proper error handling mechanisms to handle potential errors during streaming.
  • Flow Control: Use flow control mechanisms to prevent the server from overwhelming the client with data.
  • Cancellation: Allow clients to cancel the stream if needed.

Additional Considerations

  • Server-Side Caching: Consider caching frequently accessed data to improve performance.
  • Asynchronous Processing: Use asynchronous programming techniques to handle multiple concurrent streams efficiently.
  • Scalability: Ensure that your server-side implementation can handle increasing loads and scale horizontally if necessary.
Overview of Server Streaming API
Server Streaming API: Client-Side Implementation

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