Broadcast Receivers of Android

Broadcast Receivers of Android

In Android, a Broadcast Receiver is a component of the application architecture that enables the application to respond to system-wide broadcast announcements. Broadcast Receivers allow the application to receive and process broadcast messages from the system, other applications, or even the device hardware.

Broadcast Receivers operate on an Intent-based system, similar to how Intents are used to launch Activities. When a broadcast message is sent, the Android system matches the Intent specified in the message to any registered Broadcast Receivers that have declared the same Intent filter. If a match is found, the Broadcast Receiver is activated and can perform its designated action.

Broadcast Receivers can be used for a variety of purposes, such as receiving notifications, handling incoming phone calls or SMS messages, responding to system events such as battery level changes, and more. Applications can also use Broadcast Receivers to send custom broadcast messages that can be received by other applications or system components. To use a Broadcast Receiver, the application needs to register it in the AndroidManifest.xml file or dynamically register it in the application code. When a Broadcast Receiver is registered, it must specify an Intent filter that defines the types of broadcast messages that it can receive.

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