LAN Types Ethernet Token Ring FDDI

LAN Types Ethernet Token Ring FDDI

There are several LAN (Local Area Network) types, including Ethernet, Token Ring, and FDDI. Here is a brief overview of each:

Ethernet: Ethernet is the most common LAN type and uses a bus or star topology to connect devices on a network. It uses CSMA/CD protocol to avoid collisions on the network, and can operate at different speeds (10Mbps, 100Mbps, 1Gbps, and more). Ethernet networks use 48-bit MAC addresses to identify devices and rely on Ethernet frames to encapsulate data.

Token Ring: Token Ring is an older LAN type that uses a ring topology to connect devices. In a Token Ring network, devices are connected in a circular fashion and data is transmitted in a sequential manner. A token is passed around the network to ensure that only one device transmits data at a time. Token Ring networks operate at speeds of up to 16Mbps and use a 48-bit MAC address.

FDDI: FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface) is a LAN type that uses a dual-ring topology to connect devices. FDDI networks use fiber optic cables to transmit data, which allows for higher speeds (up to 100Mbps) and longer distances between devices. FDDI also includes a secondary ring that can be used as a backup in case the primary ring fails. FDDI uses a 48-bit MAC address and can support up to 500 devices on a single network.

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