Frame Relay Configuration and Verification

Frame Relay Configuration and Verification

Frame Relay Configuration and Verification:

Here are the basic steps to configure and verify Frame Relay:

Enable Frame Relay on the router’s interface:

interface serial 0/0/0

 encapsulation frame-relay

Configure the Frame Relay LMI type:

interface serial 0/0/0

 frame-relay lmi-type ansi|cisco|q933a

Configure the Frame Relay DLCI (Data Link Connection Identifier):

interface serial 0/0/0

 frame-relay interface-dlci <DLCI>

Assign an IP address to the interface:

interface serial 0/0/0

 ip address

Configure Frame Relay sub-interfaces (if multiple DLCIs are being used):

interface serial 0/0/0.1 point-to-point

 ip address

 frame-relay interface-dlci 101

Verify the Frame Relay configuration:

show interfaces serial 0/0/0

show frame-relay pvc

Monitor Frame Relay traffic:

debug frame-relay events

debug frame-relay lmi

debug frame-relay packets It is important to note that the configuration steps may vary depending on the specific network setup and equipment being used. It is also important to verify the Frame Relay configuration to ensure that it is functioning as intended.

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