Smart Cities Management Glossary

Important definitions and terminologies used in Smart Cities Management


  • acute shocks in Smart Cities Management
  • Adaptive traffic control in Smart Cities Management
  • agritecture in Smart Cities Management
  • aquaponics in Smart Cities Management
  • Artificial intelligence in Smart Cities Management
  • Augmented reality in Smart Cities Management
  • Augmented urbanism in Smart Cities Management
  • autonomous system in Smart Cities Management
  • autonomous vehicle [driverless car, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) “drone,” or unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV)] in Smart Cities Management
  • Autonomous vehicles in Smart Cities Management
  • Autonomous waste collection in Smart Cities Management


  • bicycle detection and actuation in Smart Cities Management
  • bicycle, electric assist in Smart Cities Management
  • Big data in Smart Cities Management
  • bike barometer in Smart Cities Management
  • bike boxes in Smart Cities Management
  • bike lane, buffered in Smart Cities Management
  • bike share in Smart Cities Management
  • bike signal head in Smart Cities Management
  • biodiversity in Smart Cities Management
  • biofuel in Smart Cities Management
  • biomimicry in Smart Cities Management
  • biophilia hypothesis in Smart Cities Management
  • biophilic city in Smart Cities Management
  • biophilic design in Smart Cities Management
  • bioswales in Smart Cities Management
  • Blockchain in Smart Cities Management
  • bollard in Smart Cities Management
  • Building automation in Smart Cities Management


  • car, autonomous in Smart Cities Management
  • car, driverless in Smart Cities Management
  • car, electric in Smart Cities Management
  • car, hybrid in Smart Cities Management
  • carbon credits in Smart Cities Management
  • carbon footprint in Smart Cities Management
  • carbon neutral city in Smart Cities Management
  • carbon sequestration in Smart Cities Management
  • carbon tax in Smart Cities Management
  • carrying capacity in Smart Cities Management
  • change, botom-up in Smart Cities Management
  • change, top-down in Smart Cities Management
  • chicane in Smart Cities Management
  • chronic stresses in Smart Cities Management
  • Circular economy in Smart Cities Management
  • Citizen engagement in Smart Cities Management
  • Citizen science in Smart Cities Management
  • City dashboard in Smart Cities Management
  • City planning in Smart Cities Management
  • Civic technology in Smart Cities Management
  • climate change in Smart Cities Management
  • closed-loop system in Smart Cities Management
  • Cloud computing in Smart Cities Management
  • Cloud services in Smart Cities Management
  • Co-creation in Smart Cities Management
  • Collaborative consumption in Smart Cities Management
  • Collaborative governance in Smart Cities Management
  • Community Farm Alliance in Smart Cities Management
  • community garden in Smart Cities Management
  • Community Supported Agriculture in Smart Cities Management
  • Community-based renewable energy in Smart Cities Management
  • compact city in Smart Cities Management
  • contra-flow bicycle lanes in Smart Cities Management
  • crowdsourcing in Smart Cities Management
  • cultural lag in Smart Cities Management
  • Cybersecurity in Smart Cities Management
  • cycle track in Smart Cities Management


  • Data analytics in Smart Cities Management
  • demographic dividend in Smart Cities Management
  • Digital citizen services in Smart Cities Management
  • digital divide in Smart Cities Management
  • Digital identity in Smart Cities Management
  • Digital infrastructure in Smart Cities Management
  • Digital storytelling in Smart Cities Management
  • Digital twin in Smart Cities Management
  • Disaster management systems in Smart Cities Management
  • disaster resilience in Smart Cities Management
  • disaster, cascading in Smart Cities Management
  • disaster, complex/compound in Smart Cities Management
  • disaster, na-tech (natural-technological disaster) in Smart Cities Management
  • disaster, synergistic in Smart Cities Management
  • Distributed energy resources in Smart Cities Management


  • E-governance in Smart Cities Management
  • eco-city in Smart Cities Management
  • eco-innovative in Smart Cities Management
  • ecological model in Smart Cities Management
  • ecosystems services in Smart Cities Management
  • ecotourism in Smart Cities Management
  • ecovillage in Smart Cities Management
  • Edge computing in Smart Cities Management
  • eGovernment in Smart Cities Management
  • Electric grid management in Smart Cities Management
  • electric vehicle in Smart Cities Management
  • Electric vehicles in Smart Cities Management
  • Energy efficiency in Smart Cities Management
  • Energy management in Smart Cities Management
  • energy neutral in Smart Cities Management
  • energy, alternative in Smart Cities Management
  • energy, non-renewable in Smart Cities Management
  • energy, renewable/sustainable in Smart Cities Management
  • energy, solar in Smart Cities Management
  • environmental justice movement in Smart Cities Management
  • Environmental monitoring in Smart Cities Management
  • environmental racism in Smart Cities Management
  • Environmental sensors in Smart Cities Management
  • environmentalism in Smart Cities Management
  • equity in Smart Cities Management
  • equity lens in Smart Cities Management
  • experience economy in Smart Cities Management
  • experiential design in Smart Cities Management
  • experiential realms in Smart Cities Management


  • first and last mile in Smart Cities Management
  • Flexible zoning in Smart Cities Management
  • Floating infrastructure in Smart Cities Management
  • food desert in Smart Cities Management
  • food mile in Smart Cities Management


  • Gamification in Smart Cities Management
  • garden city in Smart Cities Management
  • Geospatial data in Smart Cities Management
  • global climate change adaptation in Smart Cities Management
  • global climate change in Smart Cities Management
  • global climate change mitigation in Smart Cities Management
  • green alleyways in Smart Cities Management
  • green building in Smart Cities Management
  • green building materials in Smart Cities Management
  • green city in Smart Cities Management
  • Green energy in Smart Cities Management
  • green index in Smart Cities Management
  • Green infrastructure in Smart Cities Management
  • green roof in Smart Cities Management
  • green street in Smart Cities Management
  • green wall in Smart Cities Management
  • green wave in Smart Cities Management
  • greenscape in Smart Cities Management
  • greenwash in Smart Cities Management
  • greenway in Smart Cities Management


  • health disparities in Smart Cities Management
  • health equity in Smart Cities Management
  • health, environmental in Smart Cities Management
  • health, public in Smart Cities Management
  • healthy community in Smart Cities Management
  • high albedo pavement in Smart Cities Management
  • Home automation in Smart Cities Management
  • Human-centric lighting in Smart Cities Management


  • inclusivity in Smart Cities Management
  • Indoor air quality monitoring in Smart Cities Management
  • intelligent city in Smart Cities Management
  • Intelligent energy management systems in Smart Cities Management
  • Intelligent transportation systems in Smart Cities Management
  • Intelligent waste management systems in Smart Cities Management
  • Internet connectivity in Smart Cities Management
  • Internet of Things (IoT) in Smart Cities Management


  • last mileage problem in Smart Cities Management
  • Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design LEED in Smart Cities Management
  • Li-Fi networks in Smart Cities Management
  • living alleyways in Smart Cities Management
  • living building in Smart Cities Management
  • Location-based services in Smart Cities Management
  • low carbon city in Smart Cities Management
  • low impact development in Smart Cities Management
  • Low-power wide-area networks in Smart Cities Management


  • Machine learning in Smart Cities Management
  • Micro-mobility in Smart Cities Management
  • mid-block crossing in Smart Cities Management
  • Mixed-use development in Smart Cities Management
  • Mixed-use zoning in Smart Cities Management
  • Mobile apps in Smart Cities Management
  • modernization in Smart Cities Management
  • modular bike share in Smart Cities Management
  • Multi-modal transportation in Smart Cities Management
  • Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) in Smart Cities Management


  • Neighborhood energy communities in Smart Cities Management
  • Neighborhood watch systems in Smart Cities Management
  • normalcy bias in Smart Cities Management


  • Off-grid energy solutions in Smart Cities Management
  • open bottom catch basin in Smart Cities Management
  • Open data in Smart Cities Management
  • Open government in Smart Cities Management
  • Open innovation in Smart Cities Management
  • overpopulation in Smart Cities Management


  • Paris Agreement in Smart Cities Management
  • Participatory budgeting in Smart Cities Management
  • permeable pavement in Smart Cities Management
  • Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) in Smart Cities Management
  • Personalized transportation in Smart Cities Management
  • Plastiblocks in Smart Cities Management
  • pollution, plastic in Smart Cities Management
  • Predictive maintenance in Smart Cities Management
  • Progressive Era (1890-1920) in Smart Cities Management
  • psychogeography in Smart Cities Management
  • Public art in Smart Cities Management
  • Public safety in Smart Cities Management
  • Public-private partnerships in Smart Cities Management


  • quality of life in Smart Cities Management


  • rails to trails in Smart Cities Management
  • raised cycle track in Smart Cities Management
  • Real-time data in Smart Cities Management
  • Renewable energy in Smart Cities Management
  • Renewable energy sources in Smart Cities Management
  • resilient city in Smart Cities Management
  • Resource management in Smart Cities Management
  • Ride-sharing in Smart Cities Management
  • Robotics in Smart Cities Management
  • Robotics process automation in Smart Cities Management
  • Romantic Environmental Paradigm in Smart Cities Management


  • sense of place in Smart Cities Management
  • Sensor networks in Smart Cities Management
  • sharrow in Smart Cities Management
  • sidewalk garden in Smart Cities Management
  • Smart agriculture in Smart Cities Management
  • Smart buildings in Smart Cities Management
  • smart city in Smart Cities Management
  • smart connections in Smart Cities Management
  • smart container in Smart Cities Management
  • Smart education in Smart Cities Management
  • Smart grid in Smart Cities Management
  • Smart healthcare in Smart Cities Management
  • Smart home appliances in Smart Cities Management
  • Smart irrigation systems in Smart Cities Management
  • Smart lighting in Smart Cities Management
  • Smart lighting systems in Smart Cities Management
  • Smart mobility in Smart Cities Management
  • Smart parking in Smart Cities Management
  • smart parking management in Smart Cities Management
  • Smart parking systems in Smart Cities Management
  • Smart ports in Smart Cities Management
  • smart street lighting in Smart Cities Management
  • smart sustainable city in Smart Cities Management
  • Smart tourism in Smart Cities Management
  • smart urbanism in Smart Cities Management
  • Smart waste management in Smart Cities Management
  • Smart Waste Management System (SWMS) in Smart Cities Management
  • social cohesion in Smart Cities Management
  • Social innovation in Smart Cities Management
  • Social media in Smart Cities Management
  • solar city in Smart Cities Management
  • solar power in Smart Cities Management
  • street, multi-functional in Smart Cities Management
  • street, multi-modal in Smart Cities Management
  • street, reversible in Smart Cities Management
  • streetscape in Smart Cities Management
  • super app in Smart Cities Management
  • superblocks in Smart Cities Management
  • Supertree in Smart Cities Management
  • Sustainability in Smart Cities Management
  • sustainable city in Smart Cities Management
  • sustainable design in Smart Cities Management
  • sustainable development goals in Smart Cities Management
  • sustainable development in Smart Cities Management
  • systematic racism in Smart Cities Management


  • technological singularity in Smart Cities Management
  • Telecommunications in Smart Cities Management
  • Telemedicine in Smart Cities Management
  • thinking, systems in Smart Cities Management
  • traffic calming in Smart Cities Management
  • Traffic management in Smart Cities Management
  • tragedy of the commons in Smart Cities Management
  • transition town in Smart Cities Management
  • transportation, active in Smart Cities Management


  • Urban agriculture in Smart Cities Management
  • urban agriculture/farming in Smart Cities Management
  • Urban air quality monitoring in Smart Cities Management
  • Urban data platform in Smart Cities Management
  • Urban ecology in Smart Cities Management
  • Urban innovation districts in Smart Cities Management
  • Urban mobility in Smart Cities Management
  • Urban planning in Smart Cities Management
  • urban regeneration in Smart Cities Management
  • Urban resilience in Smart Cities Management
  • Urban services in Smart Cities Management
  • urban standardization in Smart Cities Management
  • Urban sustainability in Smart Cities Management
  • Urban technology in Smart Cities Management


  • vertical garden/farm in Smart Cities Management
  • Virtual reality in Smart Cities Management


  • waste-to-energy in Smart Cities Management
  • waste, diverted in Smart Cities Management
  • Water management in Smart Cities Management
  • Wearable technology in Smart Cities Management
  • whitewashing in Smart Cities Management
  • wildlife corridors in Smart Cities Management
  • wildlife crossing in Smart Cities Management
  • Wireless networks in Smart Cities Management
  • Workforce development in Smart Cities Management


  • zero carbon city in Smart Cities Management
  • zero energy city in Smart Cities Management
  • zero waste city in Smart Cities Management
  • Zero-emission vehicles in Smart Cities Management


  • 5G networks in Smart Cities Management
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Internet of Things Security Glossary

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