TQM Glossary

Important definitions and terminologies used in TQM



A3 report in TQM

Academic Quality Improvement Project (AQIP) in TQM

Acceptance number in TQM

Acceptance quality limit (AQL) in TQM

Acceptance sampling in TQM

Acceptance sampling plan in TQM

Accreditation in TQM

Accreditation body in TQM

Accuracy in TQM

ACLASS Accreditation Services in TQM

Activity network diagram in TQM

Activity-based costing in TQM

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) in TQM

Adverse event in TQM

Affinity diagram in TQM

Alignment in TQM

American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) in TQM

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) in TQM

American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in TQM

American National Standards Institute-American Society for Quality (ANSI-ASQ) in TQM

American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) in TQM

American Society for Quality (ASQ) in TQM

American Society for Quality Control (ASQC) in TQM

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) in TQM

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International in TQM

American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) in TQM

American standard code for information interchange (ASCII) in TQM

Analysis of means (ANOM) in TQM

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) in TQM

Andon board in TQM


Appraisal cost in TQM

Appraisal Process in TQM

Arrow diagram in TQM

AS9100 in TQM

Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC) in TQM

Assessment in TQM

Assignable cause in TQM

Assn. for Quality and Participation (AQP) in TQM

Attribute data in TQM

Attributes, method of in TQM

Audit in TQM

Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) in TQM

Autonomation in TQM

Availability in TQM

Average chart in TQM

Average outgoing quality (AOQ) in TQM

Average outgoing quality limit (AOQL) in TQM

Average run lengths (ARL) in TQM

Average sample number (ASN) in TQM

Average total inspection (ATI) in TQM

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Baka-yoke in TQM

Balanced plant in TQM

Balanced scorecard in TQM

Balancing the line in TQM

Baldrige award in TQM

Baseline measurement in TQM

Basic Probability in TQM

Batch and queue in TQM

Bayes’ theorem in TQM

Benchmarking in TQM

Benefit-cost analysis in TQM

Best practice in TQM

Big Q, little q in TQM

Black Belt (BB) in TQM

Blemish in TQM

Block diagram in TQM

Board of Standards Review (BSR) in TQM

Body of knowledge (BoK) in TQM

Bottom line in TQM

Brainstorming in TQM

Breakthrough improvement in TQM

BS 7799 in TQM

Business process reengineering (BPR) in TQM

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Calibration in TQM

Capability in TQM

Capability maturity model (CMM) in TQM

Capacity constraint resources in TQM

Cascading in TQM


Cause in TQM

Cause and effect diagram in TQM

C-chart in TQM

Cell in TQM

Cellular manufacturing in TQM

Centerline in TQM

Central Limit Theorem in TQM

Central Tendencies in TQM

Central tendency in TQM

Certification in TQM

Certified biomedical auditor (CBA) in TQM

Certified calibration technician (CCT) in TQM

Certified HACCP auditor (CHA) in TQM

Certified manager of quality/organizational excellence (CMQ/OE) in TQM

Certified quality auditor (CQA) in TQM

Certified quality engineer (CQE) in TQM

Certified quality improvement associate (CQIA) in TQM

Certified quality inspector (CQI) in TQM

Certified quality process analyst (CQPA) in TQM

Certified quality technician (CQT) in TQM

Certified reliability engineer (CRE) in TQM

Certified Six Sigma Black Belt (CSSBB) in TQM

Certified Six Sigma Green Belt (CSSGB) in TQM

Certified software quality engineer (CSQE) in TQM

Chain reaction in TQM

Chain sampling plan in TQM

Champion in TQM

Change agent in TQM

Changeover in TQM

Changeover time in TQM

Characteristic in TQM

Chart in TQM

Charter in TQM

Check sheet in TQM

Checklist in TQM

Classification of defects in TQM

Closed-loop corrective action (CLCA) in TQM

Code of conduct in TQM

Collecting and Summarizing Data in TQM

Commitment in TQM

Common causes in TQM

Company culture in TQM

Complaint tracking in TQM

Compliance in TQM

Computer aided design (CAD) in TQM

Computer aided engineering (CAE) in TQM

Concurrent engineering (CE) in TQM

Conflict resolution in TQM

Conformance in TQM

Conformitè Europëenne Mark (CE Mark) in TQM

Conformity assessment in TQM

Consensus in TQM

Constraint in TQM

Constraints management in TQM

Consultant in TQM

Consumer in TQM

Consumer’s risk in TQM

Continuous flow production in TQM

Continuous Improvement in TQM

Continuous improvement (CI) in TQM

Continuous quality improvement (CQI) in TQM

Continuous sampling plan in TQM

Control Chart in TQM

Control limits in TQM

Control plan (CP) in TQM

Coordinate measuring machine (CMM) in TQM

Corrective action in TQM

Corrective action recommendation (CAR) in TQM

Correlation (statistical) in TQM

Cost of poor quality (COPQ) in TQM

Cost of quality (COQ) in TQM

Costs of Quality in TQM

Count chart in TQM

Count per unit chart in TQM

Cp in TQM

Cpk index in TQM

Critical incident in TQM

Critical processes in TQM

Cross functional in TQM

Cross Functional Management in TQM

Cross pilot in TQM

Cultural resistance in TQM

Culture change in TQM

Culture, organizational in TQM

Cumulative sum control chart (CUSUM) in TQM

Current good manufacturing practices (CGMP) in TQM

Customer in TQM

Customer delight in TQM

Customer relationship management (CRM) in TQM

Customer satisfaction in TQM

Customer-supplier model (CSM) in TQM

Customer-supplier partnership in TQM

Cycle in TQM

Cycle time in TQM

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D chart in TQM

Data in TQM

Decision matrix in TQM

Defect in TQM

Defective in TQM

Delighter in TQM

Demerit chart in TQM

Deming cycle in TQM

Dependability in TQM

Deployment in TQM

Design for Quality in TQM

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) in TQM

Design of experiments (DoE) in TQM

Deviation in TQM

Diagnosis in TQM

Diagnostic journey and remedial journey in TQM



Dodge-Romig sampling plans in TQM

Driving forces in TQM

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Effect in TQM

Effectiveness in TQM

Efficiency in TQM

Efficient in TQM

Eight wastes in TQM

Eighty-twenty (80-20) in TQM

Electric data interchange (EDI) in TQM

Employee involvement (EI) in TQM

EN 46000 in TQM

EN 9100 in TQM

End user in TQM

Equipment availability in TQM

Error detection in TQM

Error proofing in TQM

Ethics in TQM

European Cooperation for Accreditation (EA) in TQM

Exciter in TQM

Exemplar Global in TQM

Expectations in TQM

Experimental design in TQM

External customer in TQM

External failure in TQM

External setup in TQM

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Facilitator in TQM

Failure in TQM

Failure cost in TQM

Failure mode analysis (FMA) in TQM

Failure mode effects analysis (FMEA) in TQM

Failure mode effects and criticality analysis (FMECA) in TQM

Feedback in TQM

Feeder lines in TQM

First in, first out (FIFO) in TQM

First pass yield (FPY) in TQM

First time quality (FTQ) in TQM

Fishbone diagram in TQM

Fitness for use in TQM

Five S’s (5S) in TQM

Five whys in TQM

Five-phase lean approach in TQM

Flow in TQM

Flowchart in TQM


Focus group in TQM

Force field analysis in TQM

Frequency distribution (statistical) in TQM

Frequency Distributions in TQM

Function in TQM

Functional layout in TQM

Functional verification in TQM

Funnel experiment in TQM

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Gage repeatability and reproducibility (GR&R) in TQM

Gain sharing in TQM

Gantt chart in TQM

Gap analysis in TQM

Gatekeeper in TQM

Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) in TQM

George M. Low Trophy in TQM

Go/no-go in TQM

Goal in TQM

Goal Deployment in TQM

Good laboratory practices (GLP) in TQM

Good manufacturing practices (GMP) in TQM

Green Belt (GB) in TQM

Group dynamic in TQM

Groupthink in TQM

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Hawthorne effect in TQM

Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) in TQM

Heijunka in TQM

Highly accelerated life test (HALT) in TQM

Highly accelerated stress audits (HASA) in TQM

Highly accelerated stress screening (HASS) in TQM

Histogram in TQM

Honorary member, ASQ in TQM

Hoshin Kanri in TQM

Hoshin planning in TQM

Hotelling’s T2 model in TQM

House of quality in TQM

Human Resource Management in TQM

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IATF 16949 in TQM

Imagineering in TQM

Impact effort matrix in TQM

Imperfection in TQM

Improvement in TQM

In-control process in TQM

Incremental improvement in TQM

Indicators in TQM

Information flow in TQM

Informative inspection in TQM

Inputs in TQM

Inspection in TQM

Inspection cost in TQM

Inspection lot in TQM

Inspection, 100% in TQM

Inspection, curtailed in TQM

Inspection, normal in TQM

Inspection, reduced in TQM

Inspection, tightened in TQM

Instant pudding in TQM

Integrating TQM in TQM

Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC) in TQM

Intermediate customers in TQM

Internal customer in TQM

Internal failure in TQM

Internal setup in TQM

International Accreditation Registry (IAR) in TQM

International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) in TQM

International Automotive Task Force (IATF) in TQM

International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) in TQM

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in TQM

Interrelationship diagram in TQM

Intervention in TQM

Inventory in TQM

Ishikawa diagram in TQM

ISO 14000 in TQM

ISO 26000 in TQM

ISO 9000 Series Standards in TQM

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Jidohka in TQM

JISQ 9100 in TQM

Job instruction in TQM

Judgment inspection in TQM

Juran trilogy in TQM

Just-in-time (JIT) Management in TQM

Just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing in TQM

Just-in-time (JIT) training in TQM

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Kaizen in TQM

Kanban in TQM

Key performance indicator (KPI) in TQM

Key process in TQM

Key process characteristic in TQM

Key product characteristic in TQM

Key results area in TQM

Kitting in TQM

Kruskal-Wallis test in TQM

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Laboratory scope in TQM

Laboratory/lab in TQM

Last off part comparison in TQM

Layout inspection in TQM

Lead time in TQM

Leadership in TQM

Lean in TQM

Lean enterprise in TQM

Lean manufacturing/production in TQM

Lean migration in TQM

Level loading in TQM

Listening post in TQM

Load-load in TQM

Lost customer analysis in TQM

Lot in TQM

Lot quality in TQM

Lot size (also referred to as N) in TQM

Lot tolerance percentage defective (LTPD) in TQM

Lot, batch in TQM

Lower control limit (LCL) in TQM

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Maintainability in TQM

Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) in TQM

Management review in TQM

Manager in TQM

Manufacturing resource planning (MRP II) in TQM

Mapping symbols or icons in TQM

Master Black Belt (MBB) in TQM

Material handling in TQM

Material requirements planning (MRP) in TQM

Matrix in TQM


Mean in TQM

Mean time between failures (MTBF) in TQM

Measure in TQM

Measurement in TQM

Measurement system in TQM

Measurement uncertainty in TQM

Measures of Association in TQM

Measures of Shape in TQM

Measures of Spread in TQM

Median in TQM

Metric in TQM

Metrology in TQM

MIL-Q-9858A in TQM


MIL-STD-45662A in TQM

Mission in TQM

Mistake proofing in TQM

Mode in TQM

Monument in TQM

Muda in TQM

Multivariate control chart in TQM

Mutual recognition agreement (MRA) in TQM

Myers-Briggs type indicator (MBTI) in TQM

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Nagara system in TQM

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in TQM

Natural team in TQM

New! Agile in TQM

New! Agility in TQM

New! Basic quality concepts in TQM

New! Box and whisker plot in TQM

New! Cause analysis in TQM

New! CE marking in TQM

New! Certified pharmaceutical good manufacturing practices (GMP) professional in TQM

New! Certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt (CSSMBB) in TQM

New! Certified Six Sigma Yellow Belt (CSSYB) in TQM

New! Certified supplier quality professional (CSQP) in TQM

New! Change management in TQM

New! Corporate governance in TQM

New! Customer experiment in TQM

New! Data collection and analysis in TQM

New! Data collection and analysis tools in TQM

New! Decision making in TQM

New! Eight disciplines (8D) model in TQM

New! Employee empowerment (EE) in TQM

New! Environmental management system in TQM

New! Global quality in TQM

New! Idea creation tools in TQM

New! Innovation in TQM

New! ISO 14001 in TQM

New! ISO 19011 in TQM

New! ISO 9001 in TQM

New! Kano model in TQM

New! Multivoting in TQM

New! New management planning tools in TQM

New! Nine windows in TQM

New! Organizational excellence in TQM

New! Process analysis in TQM

New! Process decision program chart (PDPC) in TQM

New! Process view of work in TQM

New! Product audit in TQM

New! Project planning tools in TQM

New! Recall in TQM

New! Root cause analysis in TQM

New! Safety in TQM

New! Seven new management and planning tools in TQM

New! Shainin System in TQM

New! Six Sigma tools in TQM

New! Small business in TQM

New! Social responsibility in TQM

New! Spaghetti diagram in TQM

New! Stratification in TQM

New! Supplier quality in TQM

New! Supplier quality management in TQM

Next operation as customer in TQM

Nominal group technique in TQM

Nonconforming record (NCR) in TQM

Nonconformity in TQM

Nondestructive testing and evaluation (NDT, NDE) in TQM

Nonlinear parameter estimation in TQM

Nonparametric tests in TQM

Nonvalue added in TQM

Norm (behavioral) in TQM

Normal distribution (statistical) in TQM

Number of affected units chart in TQM

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Objective in TQM

One-piece flow in TQM

One-touch exchange of dies in TQM

Operating characteristic curve (OC curve) in TQM

Operating expenses in TQM

Operations in TQM

Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) in TQM

Out of spec in TQM

Out-of-control process in TQM

Outputs in TQM

Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) in TQM

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P chart in TQM

Painted floor in TQM

Parallel operation in TQM

Pareto chart in TQM

Partnering in TQM

Partnership/alliance in TQM

Parts per million (PPM) in TQM

PDCA cycle in TQM

Percent chart in TQM

Performance Measurement Framework in TQM

Performance standard in TQM

Physical transformation task in TQM

Pitch in TQM

Plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle in TQM

Planning in TQM

Point kaizen in TQM

Point of use in TQM

Poisson distribution in TQM

Poka-yoke in TQM

Policy in TQM

Precision in TQM

Prevention cost in TQM

Prevention versus detection in TQM

Preventive action in TQM

Probability (statistical) in TQM

Probability of rejection in TQM

Problem concentration diagram in TQM

Problem solving in TQM

Procedure in TQM

Process in TQM

Process average quality in TQM

Process capability in TQM

Process capability index in TQM

Process Control in TQM

Process flow diagram in TQM

Process improvement in TQM

Process improvement team in TQM

Process kaizen in TQM

Process Management in TQM

Process map in TQM

Process owner in TQM

Process performance management (PPM) in TQM

Process Planning in TQM

Process quality in TQM

Process re-engineering in TQM

Product or service liability in TQM

Product warranty in TQM

Production (analysis) board in TQM

Production part approval process (PPAP) in TQM

Production smoothing in TQM

Productivity in TQM

Profound knowledge, system of in TQM

Project management in TQM

Project team in TQM

Proportion chart in TQM

Pull system in TQM

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Q9000 series in TQM

QEDS Standards Group in TQM

QMS Design in TQM

QMS requirements in TQM

Qualitician in TQM

Quality in TQM

Quality 4.0 in TQM

Quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) in TQM

Quality audit in TQM

Quality circle in TQM

Quality control in TQM

Quality Costing in TQM

Quality costs in TQM

Quality engineering in TQM

Quality Excellence for Suppliers of Telecommunications (QuEST) Forum in TQM

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) in TQM

Quality Improvement Teams in TQM

Quality loss function in TQM

Quality management (QM) in TQM

Quality management system (QMS) in TQM

Quality Management Systems in TQM

Quality plan in TQM

Quality policy in TQM

Quality rate in TQM

Quality score chart in TQM

Quality tool in TQM

Quality trilogy in TQM

Queue time in TQM

Quick changeover in TQM

Quincunx in TQM

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Random cause in TQM

Random sampling in TQM

Range (statistical) in TQM

Range chart (R chart) in TQM

Red bead experiment in TQM

Re-engineering in TQM

Registrar in TQM

Registration in TQM

Registration to standards in TQM

Regression analysis in TQM

Rejection number in TQM

Relations diagram in TQM

Reliability in TQM

Repeatability in TQM

Reproducibility in TQM

Requirements in TQM

Resource utilization in TQM

Results in TQM

Review in TQM

Right size in TQM

Right the first time in TQM

Risk management in TQM

Robustness in TQM

Root cause in TQM

Run chart in TQM

Runner in TQM

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SAE International in TQM

Sample in TQM

Sample size [n] in TQM

Sample standard deviation chart (S chart) in TQM

Sampling at random in TQM

Sampling, double in TQM

Sampling, multiple in TQM

Sampling, single in TQM

Sampling, unit in TQM

Sanitizing in TQM

Satisfier in TQM


Scatter diagram in TQM

Scientific management/approach in TQM

Scorecard in TQM

Seiban in TQM

Self-Assessment in TQM

Self-Assessment Methodologies in TQM

Self-directed work team (SDWT) in TQM

Sentinel event in TQM

Service Design in TQM

Service level agreement in TQM

Seven tools of quality in TQM

Seven wastes in TQM

Shadow board in TQM

Shewhart cycle in TQM

Sifting in TQM

Sigma in TQM

Signal to noise ratio (S/N ratio) in TQM

Simulation in TQM

Single-minute exchange of dies in TQM

Single-piece flow in TQM

SIPOC diagram in TQM

Six sigma in TQM

Six Sigma quality in TQM

SMART matrix in TQM

Software quality assurance (SQA) in TQM

Sort in TQM

Special causes in TQM

Special characteristic in TQM

Specification in TQM

Sponsor in TQM

Stages of team growth in TQM

Stakeholder in TQM

Standard in TQM

Standard deviation (statistical) in TQM

Standard in-process stock in TQM

Standard work in TQM

Standard work instructions in TQM

Standardization in TQM

Standards in TQM

Statistical Process Control in TQM

Statistical process control (SPC) in TQM

Statistical quality control (SQC) in TQM

Statistics in TQM

Stop the line authority in TQM

Strategic Alignment in TQM

Strategic planning in TQM

Strategic Planning and Execution in TQM

Strategy in TQM

Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats (SWOT) analysis in TQM

Stretch goals in TQM

Structural variation in TQM

Suboptimization in TQM

Success and effects diagram in TQM

Supermarket in TQM

Supplier in TQM

Supplier quality assurance in TQM

Supply chain in TQM

Surveillance in TQM

Survey in TQM

Sustain in TQM

Sustained improvement in TQM

Symptom in TQM

System in TQM

System kaizen in TQM

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Taguchi methods in TQM

Takt time in TQM

Tampering in TQM

Task in TQM

Team in TQM

Teamwork in TQM

Technical report (TR) in TQM

Technical specification (TS) in TQM

The Deming Prize in TQM

The four Ps and three Cs of TQM in TQM

The Joint Commission in TQM

The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in TQM

Theory of constraints (TOC) in TQM

Throughput in TQM

TL 9000 in TQM

Tolerance in TQM

Top management commitment in TQM

Total productive maintenance (TPM) in TQM

Total quality in TQM

Total quality control (TQC) in TQM

Total quality management (TQM) in TQM

Toyota production system (TPS) in TQM


Training in TQM

Transaction data in TQM

Tree diagram in TQM

Trend in TQM

Trend control chart in TQM


T-test in TQM

Type I error in TQM

Type II error in TQM

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U chart in TQM

Unit in TQM

Upper control limit (UCL) in TQM

Uptime in TQM

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Validation in TQM

Validity in TQM

Value added in TQM

Value analysis in TQM

Value engineering in TQM

Value stream in TQM

Value stream loops in TQM

Value stream manager in TQM

Value stream mapping in TQM

Values in TQM

Variable data in TQM

Variation in TQM

Verification in TQM

Virtual team in TQM

Vision in TQM

Visual controls in TQM

Vital few, useful many in TQM

Voice of the customer in TQM

Voluntary standard in TQM

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Waste in TQM

Weighed voting in TQM

Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney test in TQM

Work in process in TQM

Work team in TQM

Working sequence in TQM

World-class quality in TQM

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X-bar chart in TQM

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Yellow Belt in TQM

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Zero defects in TQM

14 Points in TQM

3P in TQM

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