Microsoft Excel Glossary

Important definitions and terminologies used in Microsoft Excel



Absolute Cell Reference in Microsoft Excel

Absolute Reference in Microsoft Excel

Active Cell in Microsoft Excel

Add Chart Element in Microsoft Excel

Add-ins in Microsoft Excel

Address in Microsoft Excel

advanced filters in Microsoft Excel

Alignment in Microsoft Excel

Analysis Toolpak in Microsoft Excel

Area Chart in Microsoft Excel

Array Formula in Microsoft Excel

Array Formula in Microsoft Excel

Ascending Order in Microsoft Excel

Autofill in Microsoft Excel

Autofill in Microsoft Excel

AutoFilter in Microsoft Excel

Autosum in Microsoft Excel

AutoSum in Microsoft Excel

Average Function in Microsoft Excel

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Background in Microsoft Excel

Bar Chart in Microsoft Excel

Bold in Microsoft Excel

Border in Microsoft Excel

Borders in Microsoft Excel

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Calculated Field (Pivot Table) in Microsoft Excel

Calculation Options in Microsoft Excel

Cell in Microsoft Excel

Cell in Microsoft Excel

cell content in Microsoft Excel

cell formats in Microsoft Excel

Cell Range in Microsoft Excel

cell styles in Microsoft Excel

Change Chart Type in Microsoft Excel

Chart in Microsoft Excel

Chart in Microsoft Excel

Clipboard in Microsoft Excel

Collaborating in Microsoft Excel

Column in Microsoft Excel

Column Chart in Microsoft Excel

column formats in Microsoft Excel

Columns in Microsoft Excel

Comment in Microsoft Excel

Comment in Microsoft Excel

Concatenate Function in Microsoft Excel

Conditional Formatting in Microsoft Excel

Conditional Formatting in Microsoft Excel

Conditional Sum in Microsoft Excel

Consolidate in Microsoft Excel

Consolidate data in Microsoft Excel

Copy in Microsoft Excel

Custom View in Microsoft Excel

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Data Bars in Microsoft Excel

Data Series in Microsoft Excel

Data Table in Microsoft Excel

Data Validation in Microsoft Excel

Data Validation in Microsoft Excel

Date in Microsoft Excel

Date and Time Functions in Microsoft Excel

Default Workbook in Microsoft Excel

Delete in Microsoft Excel

Delete Sheet Rows/Columns in Microsoft Excel

Delimiter in Microsoft Excel

Dependents in Microsoft Excel

Descriptive Statistics in Microsoft Excel

Doughnut Chart in Microsoft Excel

Drag and Drop in Microsoft Excel

Drop Lines in Microsoft Excel

Drop-down List in Microsoft Excel

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Edit Mode in Microsoft Excel

Embedded Chart in Microsoft Excel

Error Bars in Microsoft Excel

Error Code in Microsoft Excel

Evaluate Formula in Microsoft Excel

Evaluate Formulas in Microsoft Excel

Exact Function in Microsoft Excel

Excel in Microsoft Excel

Excel Add-In in Microsoft Excel

Excel Table in Microsoft Excel

Export in Microsoft Excel

Export Chart in Microsoft Excel

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Feature in Microsoft Excel

Field (Pivot Table) in Microsoft Excel

Fill in Microsoft Excel

Fill Handle in Microsoft Excel

Filter in Microsoft Excel

Filter in Microsoft Excel

Filter by Selection in Microsoft Excel

Financial Functions in Microsoft Excel

Find and Replace in Microsoft Excel

Flash Fill in Microsoft Excel

Flash Fill in Microsoft Excel

Font in Microsoft Excel

Footer in Microsoft Excel

Format in Microsoft Excel

Format Painter in Microsoft Excel

Format worksheets in Microsoft Excel

Formatting in Microsoft Excel

Formatting Data in Microsoft Excel

Formula in Microsoft Excel

Formula in Microsoft Excel

Formula Bar in Microsoft Excel

Formula Bar in Microsoft Excel

formula precedents, dependents, and errors in Microsoft Excel

Formulas in Microsoft Excel

Freeze Panes in Microsoft Excel

Freeze Panes in Microsoft Excel

Freeze Rows/Columns in Microsoft Excel

Function in Microsoft Excel

Function in Microsoft Excel

Function Library in Microsoft Excel

Functions in Microsoft Excel

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Go To in Microsoft Excel

Goal Seek in Microsoft Excel

Gradient Fill in Microsoft Excel

Graph in Microsoft Excel

Gridlines in Microsoft Excel

Gridlines in Microsoft Excel

Group in Microsoft Excel

Group and outline data in Microsoft Excel

Group Worksheets in Microsoft Excel

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Header Row in Microsoft Excel

Heat Map in Microsoft Excel

Hide in Microsoft Excel

Histogram Chart in Microsoft Excel

HLOOKUP in Microsoft Excel

Home Tab in Microsoft Excel

Hyperlink in Microsoft Excel

Hyperlink in Microsoft Excel

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Icon Set in Microsoft Excel

IF Function in Microsoft Excel

IFERROR Function in Microsoft Excel

Import in Microsoft Excel

Import Data in Microsoft Excel

INDIRECT Function in Microsoft Excel

Insert in Microsoft Excel

Insert Comment in Microsoft Excel

Insert Picture in Microsoft Excel

Insert Worksheet in Microsoft Excel

Intersect Operator in Microsoft Excel

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Join Text in Microsoft Excel

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KPI in Microsoft Excel

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Line and Stacked Column Chart in Microsoft Excel

Line Break in Microsoft Excel

Line Chart in Microsoft Excel

Linking Worksheets in Microsoft Excel

Lock Cells in Microsoft Excel

Lookup in Microsoft Excel

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Macro in Microsoft Excel

Macro in Microsoft Excel

Map Chart in Microsoft Excel

MATCH Function in Microsoft Excel

MAX Function in Microsoft Excel

Max/Min Lines in Microsoft Excel

Merge and Center in Microsoft Excel

Merge Cells in Microsoft Excel

Merge workbooks in Microsoft Excel

Mid Function in Microsoft Excel

MIN Function in Microsoft Excel

Mixed Reference in Microsoft Excel

Mod Function in Microsoft Excel

Move or Copy Worksheet in Microsoft Excel

Multi-level Sorting in Microsoft Excel

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Name Box in Microsoft Excel

Name Box in Microsoft Excel

Named Ranges in Microsoft Excel

Named Reference in Microsoft Excel

Nested Function in Microsoft Excel

New Workbook in Microsoft Excel

Normal Distribution Function in Microsoft Excel

Not Equal To Operator in Microsoft Excel

Number Format in Microsoft Excel

Number Formatting in Microsoft Excel

Numbered List in Microsoft Excel

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Object in Microsoft Excel

Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) in Microsoft Excel

Office Clipboard in Microsoft Excel

Open Workbook in Microsoft Excel

Operator in Microsoft Excel

Orientation in Microsoft Excel

Outline in Microsoft Excel

Overlapping Data in Microsoft Excel

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Page Break in Microsoft Excel

Page Break in Microsoft Excel

Page Layout Tab in Microsoft Excel

Page Layout View in Microsoft Excel

Paste in Microsoft Excel

Paste Special in Microsoft Excel

Percentile Function in Microsoft Excel

Pie Chart in Microsoft Excel

Pivot Chart in Microsoft Excel

Pivot Table in Microsoft Excel

Pivot Table in Microsoft Excel

PivotChart in Microsoft Excel

PivotTable in Microsoft Excel

Power Functions in Microsoft Excel

Precedents in Microsoft Excel

Print in Microsoft Excel

Print Area in Microsoft Excel

Print Preview in Microsoft Excel

Print Titles in Microsoft Excel

Protect in Microsoft Excel

Protect Sheet in Microsoft Excel

Protect Workbook in Microsoft Excel

Pull Data from the Web in Microsoft Excel

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Quick Access Toolbar in Microsoft Excel

Quick Access Toolbar in Microsoft Excel

Quick Analysis in Microsoft Excel

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Radar Chart in Microsoft Excel

Range in Microsoft Excel

Rank Function in Microsoft Excel

Reference in Microsoft Excel

Refresh Data in Microsoft Excel

Relative Cell References in Microsoft Excel

Remove Duplicates in Microsoft Excel

Rename Sheet in Microsoft Excel

Reorder Worksheets in Microsoft Excel

Replace in Microsoft Excel

Ribbon in Microsoft Excel

Ribbon in Microsoft Excel

Round Function in Microsoft Excel

Row in Microsoft Excel

Row & Column Headings in Microsoft Excel

Rows in Microsoft Excel

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Save in Microsoft Excel

Scatter and Bubble Chart in Microsoft Excel

Scatter Chart in Microsoft Excel

Scroll Bars in Microsoft Excel

Select All in Microsoft Excel

Series in Microsoft Excel

Share workbooks in Microsoft Excel

Sheet in Microsoft Excel

Shortcut Keys in Microsoft Excel

Slicer in Microsoft Excel

Slicer in Microsoft Excel

Slicer Connections in Microsoft Excel

Solver in Microsoft Excel

Sort in Microsoft Excel

Sort in Microsoft Excel

Sort by Color in Microsoft Excel

Source in Microsoft Excel

Sparkline Group in Microsoft Excel

Sparklines in Microsoft Excel

Split Cells in Microsoft Excel

Split Worksheet Window in Microsoft Excel

Stacked Area Chart in Microsoft Excel

Stacked Bar Chart in Microsoft Excel

Status Bar in Microsoft Excel

Structured Reference in Microsoft Excel

Subtotal (Function) in Microsoft Excel

Subtotal Function in Microsoft Excel

subtotals in Microsoft Excel

SUM Function in Microsoft Excel

SUMIF Function in Microsoft Excel

Superscript and Subscript in Microsoft Excel

Switch Row/Column in Microsoft Excel

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Tab Color in Microsoft Excel

Table in Microsoft Excel

Table of Contents in Microsoft Excel

Table Styles in Microsoft Excel

Tabular Form in Microsoft Excel

Template in Microsoft Excel

Template in Microsoft Excel

Template and Themes in Microsoft Excel

Text Box in Microsoft Excel

Text Functions in Microsoft Excel

Text to Columns in Microsoft Excel

Text To Columns in Microsoft Excel

Text to Speech in Microsoft Excel

Time Functions in Microsoft Excel

Timeline in Microsoft Excel

Today Function in Microsoft Excel

Top and Bottom Rules in Microsoft Excel

Total Row in Microsoft Excel

Total Row in Microsoft Excel

Trace Dependents/Precedents in Microsoft Excel

Transpose in Microsoft Excel

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Underline in Microsoft Excel

Undo in Microsoft Excel

Undo History in Microsoft Excel

Unhide Columns/Rows in Microsoft Excel

Unique Function in Microsoft Excel

Unmerge Cells in Microsoft Excel

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Validation in Microsoft Excel

Validation Criteria in Microsoft Excel

Value in Microsoft Excel

Value Function in Microsoft Excel

Variance Function in Microsoft Excel

VBA in Microsoft Excel

View Side by Side in Microsoft Excel

View Tab in Microsoft Excel

VLOOKUP in Microsoft Excel

Volatile Function in Microsoft Excel

Volatile Function in Microsoft Excel

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Waterfall Chart in Microsoft Excel

Watermark in Microsoft Excel

Web Queries in Microsoft Excel

Web Query in Microsoft Excel

What-If Analysis in Microsoft Excel

What-If-Analysis in Microsoft Excel

Width in Microsoft Excel

Window Tab in Microsoft Excel

WordArt in Microsoft Excel

Workbook in Microsoft Excel

Workbook in Microsoft Excel

Worksheet in Microsoft Excel

Worksheet in Microsoft Excel

Worksheet in Microsoft Excel

Workspace in Microsoft Excel

Wrap Text in Microsoft Excel

Wrap Text in Microsoft Excel

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X-Axis in Microsoft Excel

XML Maps in Microsoft Excel

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YEAR Function in Microsoft Excel

Yearfrac Function in Microsoft Excel

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Zero Values in Microsoft Excel

Zoom in Microsoft Excel

Zoom In/Out in Microsoft Excel

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